Truth be known, in most parts of the world it's already Monday. Actually, I just looked at the clock, and it's even Monday here!
The Summer Solstice came and went, yesterday... officially marking not only the longest day in terms of daylight hours, but also the formal arrival of summer. Not very summery here... we had yet another day of rain as the monthly total for the rain gauge creeps past the wettest June in several decades... and we still have another ten days to go.
Late evening sun
Sometimes I miss the very long summer days of my native Denmark where it never gets truly dark at night during this time of the year.
This weekend turned out to be one of those where I look back and declare — with a great deal of earnestness — that I intended to get a whole bunch of different things done.
Well, the pervasive rain kept me from getting the outdoorsy things done... and a lot of "distractions" kept me from getting as many of the indoor things done as I had hoped for.
The one thing I did get done was to check and update my Book Editing Website after a friend I recently completed an editing job for called up to let me know that the head of New Mexico libraries system was hot to trot to talk to me, after reading his book. That sounded like a pretty promising referral!
I could use some work, for sure. Mostly, I could some income.
One of the more interesting sidetracks I got involved with was a "Solstice Lighthouse Summit" which turned out to be a Zoom gathering of some very interested people into green living, alternative thinking and such.
One of the presenters was talking about the Technocracy of our modern world and was emphasizing the importance not not getting censored off conventional social media... and I was actually able to put a plug for both Hive and 3Speak in front of a couple of dozen highly receptive individuals... so that was pretty cool!
Whether any of them actually end up coming onboard here remains to be seen.
Of course, it was also Father's Day for those who are here in the US of A. Due to the continuing concerns about Covid, we all kept our distance... which is fine. I have really never expected anyone to make a big deal out of Father's Day.
In truth? I'm just not a very big "celebration" type person... even on birthdays.
Meanwhile, the Solstice — aka June 20th — also marked the three-month mark since the formation of Hive... or "The Split from the Steem Blockchain," or whatever you want to call it.
I have to say that I am grateful we have this place, and that the separation has worked out as well as it has! Steem has turned into a pretty sad place in the course of the past three months... not sure what sort of future will be there.
Now I just hope it dries out and we get a little warmth and sunshine... our tiny veggie plants don't really like all this rain and cloudiness. We put a lot of effort into getting that garden up and running for this season...
Anyway, I think that about covers it for this rather "scattered" post. Among my many "intending to" items these days is the intention to get back to a more solid blogging schedule.
Thanks for reading, and let's hope this is a great week!
Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for this platform.)
Created at 20200622 01:18 PDT
Wow, its been 3 months since the formation of Hive? Life goes fast