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RE: Weekend engagement week 22 topic: An eye on your hobby

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

I suppose it should be scuba diving but if I'm being honest wreck diving is really more of an obsession, with dive trips in the UK, Truk Lagoon, Palau, Bikini, and the Red Sea I've seen some of the very best.

For an out and out hobby it's got to be cycling with just one bike here in the Philippines I'm a bit lost, there are 4 sitting in the garage back in the UK, but I can only get 2 on the car for a weekend away.

The one I really miss is my Whyte T129 10519503_875837679107465_6325768516202482189_n.jpg
Full sus 29er it would be a great bike to have here but sadly it is thousands of miles away.


I love cycling, it's very relaxing, fun and a great exercise too, I used to go out with some friends good memories ;)! You have an amazing hobby here

it has its moments IMG_0354 2.jpeg

Is this your hand? Lol.

Well 🤷🏻‍♀️ No one said this life would be easy

Damn. That looks like there are some springy parts right in the middle of that brace. I'll just be that left a mark.

there was a bit of a gap still I've still got a nice scar to remind me

Cycling and scuba, two legit hobbies for sure. I like the sound of wreck-diving although that sort of falls into a sub-category under Scuba I reckon.

I never got into bike riding, I mean after I grew up from being a kid. I was always on my bike as a kid but it never endured into my adulthood. I'd like to have a go now as a couple of my friends do it but it all seems a bit dangerous around here and they refuse to use bike paths in parklands...So, it's just motorbikes for me, no pushies.

Some people might argue that scuba diving is a subcategory of wreck diving.

I've always enjoyed cycling and can't really remember a time when I didn't own at least one bike. The UK isn't the best place for road cycling so I guess that's why I like the Whyte so much it's great for a day out on Dartmoor even when it's pissing down.

And yet others may argue that scuba and wreck diving are both subcategories of life itself. :)

I imagine Dartmoor would be a good place for bike riding, certainly scenic enough. As long as you weren't run over by a tourist you'd be fine!

Haha, Life don't talk to me about life.

I'm fairly safe most of my cycling on the moor is off-road using the bridleways apart from the odd sheep or pony to run into its OK.

Oh, man. I like that bicycling idea except for one small item. Pedaling. I like some motor on my two wheels :)

My buddy the ex Navy diver tells tales of diving Bikini and other places. He was part of the salvage navy so his diving was trying to make them not be wrecks or make them stop being wrecks. He was attached to Harbor Clearance Unit 1 in Pearl Harbor two different tours. He's seen some wrecks...

Wow you have some interesting friends @bigtom13. Back in the 70s when I was a lad and first learned to dive, my Dad was working at the Dartmouth Royal Naval Officers College. He was a bit suspicious about what I was being taught by BSAC buddies so he enrolled me in the Dartmouth College Scuba Club all the instructors were RN clearance divers. Spent many a happy hour being freezing cold in the mud at the bottom of the River Dart. But I'm still alive

My guy started in the Navy as a Panty Waver (signalman) in '65. He did 13 months as a signalman on a heavy cruiser (his second boat) off shore Vietnam. Before it was over he spent 13 months in the mud of the Mekong River. I think his coldest duty was his twilight tour in Keyport, WA and Nanaimo BC with the torpedo test ranges (Nanaimo had a small NATO base). He was stationed at Pearl twice, ran the diving locker at Guam, Enewetok as part of the clean up team and the rest was on boats or San Diego. I know he's dived at Diego Garcia and in the Persian Gulf plus just a lot in So Cal. He also used to ride a motorcycle. He lost trust in his legs and quit a couple years ago. We've actually known each other over 50 years...

I've lost trust in my legs could be the rum


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What in the hell is that thing you're diving with?!

Crazy. Diving and cycling. We have a lot in common.

But wtf is that thing?

looks like its a giant's donut :)

One of the 16inch guns on the IJN Nagato in Bikini

Your profile pic just got a whole lot cooler.
