Falling Back

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago

Did you ever open your eyes to the morning light and instinctively know it was going to be a great day? The weather could not have been any more perfect for this day in October, a true bonus to my life. This part of the country subscribes to the Spring forward, Fall back with our clocks in a few weeks. November first to be exact. I will admit it, I have such a love/hate relationship with Autumn. It is with great love that I say this for today does not feel like autumn, however, as I say this, I know that winter will be upon me soon. But, that is a story for me to worry about another day. Today is a beautiful day!

looking up.png

You can dance to the rhythm in your head, with the leaves swaying in the breeze. It speaks of days ahead, yet there is no warmth in her words.


I set out on a walk through the cemetery, the earthy smell of leaves subdued by apple, the sweetness of some far off decomposing fruit permeating the air. Did I already say the weather could not have been any more perfect today? The sun gently touched my face, caressing my cheeks with her warmth. The leaves crunched under my feet as I made my way to the place where my father lay at rest. The beauty of the colors, the smells mingling together with my visit bring about a unique emotional response from my soul. It is then I remember just how much I miss him.

But, it is not the same gut-wrenching sadness that I buried him with, but, more of a nostalgic wishing he could see me now. And, my friend @Quillfire summed it up nicely.

"Day follows night" "This too shall pass."

I have to believe.


As always, there must be flowers, to color my world. I can only say that as the days go on, we will experience much more beauty of another dimension.

candy corn.png

Whispered words, from your lips
Out of the darkness, they came
Touching my heart, softly, caressing
Stealing off with my soul
Taking me, swallowing me whole
Once again

Coffee Heart L.png


I love days that start that way! :D It's such a fantastic feeling. Great post. Your photos are beautiful too.

 4 years ago  

I am with you on that! When I know before I open my eyes that the day will be beautiful, it lifts your soul! It is a totally fantastic feeling.

And thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and leave your words.


I try to remember to always give thanks to God but those days are especially easy to remember ;) Thank you! I do enjoy your posts.

 4 years ago  

Thank you! I thank God every morning for giving me this life. Have a great night!

I have a brutally simple prayer that I say often: Thanks God for my life. I love my life.

At the very least every night and morning. And several times between.

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🎁 Hi @jangle! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

Yes, I have to agree with you, Autumn really is beautiful. I think almost all of the seasons are beautiful. The beauty of the leaves falling down in Autumn, the fun, beauty of winter (I like to play in the snow a lot hehe), relaxing/tanning/fun at the beach in Summer, the flowers grow and lighten up in Spring. I even love how almost every season has an awesome holiday. So many things to enjoy in life. :)

 4 years ago  

There is something in each season for sure. I am in love with all four of them and even though I adore summer, I would miss it if I moved tropical and had not winter. There is something about ice skating, skiing and sledding down the hills that I love. Raking leaves and jumping in them and watching the world as it renews itself in spring.

To everything, there is a season.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words.


Thank you. I have never went ice skating or skiing, but I did go sledding before but it was quite a long time ago. I have always wanted to go ice skating though, it sounds really fun. My parents tell me how it works, but I never got the opportunity to do it, maybe after this lockdown I can try it.

I do remember that once in Germany, when it was Autumn, there were so many leaves that fell, my sister and I just dove into them. Almost all of the trees were deep down into the leaves. It was so fun! :D

 4 years ago  

Ice skating is fun!!! We always went on a pond, but we had our own skates. If you go to a skating rink, you can rent skates there. You will love it!

Oh yes, that sounds even more fun hehe. I'm sure I could try it once. :D

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🎁 Hi @jadeaca! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

 4 years ago  

You know autumn is my favourite time of year (and candy corn is one of my favourite, too). Definitely a great day for a visit.


 4 years ago  

Oh, you just like it for the bike riding, confess!!! I can bet you were one of those brothers that stuck the candy corn on their teeth and looked like a vampire, am I right?

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words. It is nice to see you. ;)


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🎁 Hi @wwwiebe! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

Autumn is beautiful! But I can only admire it from afar.

 4 years ago  

Is it too warm there for any fall? It really is beautiful and although I have lived in California, I still have a pull for the four seasons in me.

Hello, beautiful. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words. xoxo


Autumn does not come until early December, and we miss Winter totally! Now if I can make it to Lake Tahoe this Christmas... then I can have a white Christmas!

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
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 4 years ago  

Thank you for stopping by and for reposting this! Much appreciated!


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🎁 Hi @dswigle! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @wwwiebe!

The past three autumns we had tons of rain that rotted all the pretty leaves quickly. This autumn has been really beautiful with lots of sun. Fall has always been my favorite season. It's the first fall of my daughter's life where she's gotten to jump in leaf piles. It's a nice time to be outside for a walk.

Autumn is raise and its appearing everywhere with definite sign, lovely flowers and candy, colourful.

 4 years ago  

Sights, sounds and smell reminders of past, future and present all go around in ones memories like a happy/sad merry-go-round.

Fall colours are stunning, crunchy leaves under foot a walk down memory lane during season change, greetings and enjoy the warmth before the cold arrives Denise.


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BEER Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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Autumn is the season of nostalgia, we want it, we don't want it, we are overwhelmed by nostalgia.
I like nostalgia and sadness, sometimes it's good to wash our eyes with real tears, and not just our eyes.
I think walking through the famous cemetery releases so many feelings for you. It is so hard to accept that our lives go on without many loved ones. That is until ...

Wow! What a fantastic color! Truly an awesome sight to see. When will I see those orange, gold leaves in person?!? 😍😍😍

I can understand the nostalgia. Losing a parent is never easy. 😢 But yes, time heals, and this pain too 'shall pass,' as your friend have put it.

Take care my friend. ❤

Wow! How do you do that, dear @dswigle?!! You pictures are stunning and so does the writing.

Isn't that just the best? A day that starts with anticipation and no expectations? It just doesn't get any better than that.

I loved the fall when I lived in the part of the world that had such a season. Even after I quit hunting I loved the start of the season. Where spring feels like it cheats you when it reverts to winter autumn gives you unexpected memories of summer.

Beautiful post, Denise. Thank you.