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RE: Dealing with Loss

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago

My heart goes out to the family, Jayna. You and your son, of course, for the loss of his childhood, in so many ways.

I can tell you that the parents are home tonight, hopefully taking comfort in one another, wondering if there was something they could have done to prevent that. Or pointing fingers. I hope not. The death of a child will make or break a marriage, which is a challenge for some people without the added stress.

Bless their hearts. Truly. And my condolences.



Thank you so much, @dswigle. I agree — the fallout could go so many ways. And I too hope they don’t over-analyze their own actions. Who knows if there would have been a way to thwart what happened. But one thing is certain. There will be guilt mixed in with sadness. Because no matter how determined he may have been to choose his own path, they undoubtedly wanted to be a part of his choices, and to help him. And they couldn’t.

 5 years ago  
