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RE: A Walk through the National Cathedral

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago

These were really terrible pictures and it was too late to swap it out. I had already committed to it, but, I will have to dig out more or go back maybe next week. I had dropped a lens and was not happy anyway. Well, it was my fault, so there is that. :)

I love going there, but, so many places there are no cameras allowed and I really needed the one for low light... Oh, would have been, could have been, yes? Such cheap lessons.

I do love stain glass and gargoyles too. When I spotted Darth Vader the first time, I was both appalled and delighted! How cool was that?

Well, I always thank you for taking the time to read and then leave an outstanding comment behind. I thank you for that and I can say that I always look forward to what you have to say.

Have a great day!


 5 years ago  

Pictures give an idea of the beauty, seeing it first hand one always feels a photo does not do full justice.

Not being allowed to photograph many places today is annoying!

Have a wonderful day Denise.