I'm looking forward to tonight where I can dive into the article. Reading in the middle of the day is a no can do today.
Galen's place is an always fun place to be. I enjoy his wit and the contest is really taking off. I still like the bread machines, although I let it do everything except bake it. That is where I take it out and put it in my oven. All the hard work is done, although I have let it go full cycle. :)
Random thoughts and wisdom. You are full of it, always. Thanks, Tom and have a great day. BTW Washington, DC has had 26 days in a row of 90 and above... We have seen more 94-99 than I ever remember.
Awwwww, thanks Denise.
Here and now I do most anything I can to NOT use the oven on my range. It just heats up the whole house and my AC runs plenty without it. I may try some hamburger buns mixed in the machine this week. I've been wanting to try that...
I can't say for sure that I liked the article, but I certainly found it interesting.
God. 95 degrees in DC has to be just miserable. A few years ago I hit Memphis at about 11:00 am, and planned to spend the day. I pulled into the big riverfront park and it was 98f and 98% humidity. I lasted less than a half hour and headed north to find the rain. It was almost more than I could take.
OHhh! now that is just gross! :) Mississippi was like that too - and Louisianna! The big yuck!