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RE: The Continuing, Further, and Not Yet Finished Adventures of a Wannabe Urban Gardener

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago

You continue to impress, Victor. That was me fangirling over your garden. Especially the corn. You are the first person I know of that grows corn in repurposed cat litter buckets. I used that cat litter, I needed a couple of buckets... because that was cheaper than going to Lowe's and just buying a bucket. 😐

I have a good friend that owns a huge Vineyard and I just about passed out to see what it really entails to grow grapes. I had a small rack of them at the shore. I wonder if I can get them to revive? It was kind of cool to grow them and a pomegranate bush. I had no idea they would grow there, but, they do. Very well, I might add.

Such a great job on the garden. Can you imagine what it would look like if you actually put that stuff in the ground and let it go? They would fine you for running a farm stand without proper licensing.

Great job! I can hardly wait to see the next update!

 4 years ago  

Haha, thank you so much! I have so many of those cat boxes I keep finding new uses for them. They're good buckets and I hate throwing them out. I've even thought of using them to build my own Roman victory arch. meow.

I will admit, one of the reasons for using the buckets is because the soil I have is awful. The Newark, DE area has two creeks aptly named "White Clay Creek" and "Red Clay Creek." I kid you not, the soil is little more than clay, and my yard is full of it. Planting above ground in buckets has been more successful than straight in the ground. But I do have the buckets! What I really want to do is find a way to grow wheat. I'd love to be able to bake one loaf of bread from my own wheat. Hopefully I wouldn't burn it.

 4 years ago  

We have plenty of clay here. It is awful. Every year, I was putting 30 plus bags of Miracle Grow potting soil in the ground and mixed it with the clay. Eventually, it wins and the flowers grow nicely now. Also, you can always do a raised bed or hugelkultur. That might actually be nice. You could even build it. With man tools. :))

Oh! A Roman Victory Arch! Something I never knew I wanted until I did. I am sure I can find a victory that I need to be honored for.

Wheat in the raised bed!I know on the Eastern Shore, some grow winter wheat. I know you have probably considered it and decided not to for some reason, but, I think it might be easier to water and care for. You just want to be different with those buckets, "fess up!" All your neighbors are probably jealous!

 4 years ago  

My dehydrator and I are on a first-name basis. My father gave me one when I left home and I still use one. One of the girls came with me to the Shore this weekend and I have a gazillion blackberries bushes that are growing on trellises to keep them neat. And we picked enough to make 3 cases of blackberry jam. Yep. Thirty-six jars.

You should totally grow them! They are so easy and abundant!