My third anniversary is this month, too! Congratulations! Cryptoblogging really has been a journey. Like you, I have met some great people (like you) and learned a great deal.
Here's to returning to normal life, another three years (at least), staying healthy and a mooning Hive!
SNAP! says I...
Cryptoblogging certainly is the best - can chat from the comfort of home and have REAL social distancing yet be part of a tHiving community:)
Let's hope the new normal continues; has started here with baby steps, and REALLY hope that we're not given too many more curveballs by our government!
Stay warm and stay healthy Fiona:)Thank you for always giving such good advice right from the first time I interacted with you @fionasfavourites!
Thank you, Lizelle. Some semblance of normality with the market back. However, we depend on leisure travel and the wineries are really suffering. That has a knock on effect.
I am rethinking and refocusing away from tourism and hospitality and back to writing. So, unashamedly, if you know / hear anyone needing writing and syndicated research, please do remember me?
And back at you: stay well and healthy. 🤗