I can't believe I got out of there with only buying six herbs! That's a new record!

The rosemary plants are in the strawberry tower and so is the French Tarragon. I have regular tarragon already in the herb garden, but I thought this French variety would be a nice addition to my herb arsenal. I also transplanted dill and chives in there too.
Over the two years I've really been experimenting and pushing my comfort zone when it comes to seasonings and spices on our food. It's quite amazing how one or two spices and herbs can totally change up the flavor of your food. And with the push to use less salt in our diets here, the addition of these newly discovered herbs has been a game changer!
At the moment I have the two lemon verbena plants in these little pots; as we are expecting a few nights of cooler weather overnight (in the low to mid 40's) and I didn't want to plant the seedlings in the ground yet as I fear I may lose them from a weird occurring frost.

While at the roadside market I was searching for more stevia; as this was where I had found some last summer. But the slot where the stevia was labeled was empty.
I have stevia seeds and have attempted to grow them on numerous occasions, with only having two seeds germinate last summer. The plants from last year are thriving in the side herb garden and I'm hoping they'll produce good again this year, but I would have liked to have added a few more.
I attempted to sow six seeds this year with no success. So if anyone has suggestions on how to conquer this herb, please let me know.

I think I am spiraling down a DIY hole. If I'm thinking about how hard would it be to make such a tower out of clay...
Certainly, space-optimizing solutions are appreciated here. We're still wondering what to put on a balcony. Or in a garden. Or two...
That’s what I need!
I have a row of strawberries in the ground but was looking for something to plant rosemary, thyme dill and tarragon. One of those would be perfect.
Thanks and good growing!!
I LOVE lemon verbena and had found a source at a local farmers market last year. Alas, this year is different and I've yet to make it to the market.
Rosemary seeds take a VERY long time to germinate, and a VERY long time to grow. I've grown rosemary off and on for the last few years with mixed success.
Your new pot looks very good!