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RE: Unicorn coffee, breakfast and progressive confidence

Hey @galenkp. I'm envious of the fun you guys were having at the range. Especially the house clearing course! I agree that its easier to train women to competent levels in shooting and for the sae reasons. Ack of ego is a better teacher. Or is it the empty cup proverb.


It was loads of fun and we had a few laughs, but not at moments when a safety-focus was required of course.

When I was teaching Faith to shoot at long range I was most impressed with the way everything was calculated, meaning from a decision perspective. Nothing was done without a reason and before she had considered all factors. Blokes...They lay down behind the gun and start banging away...At $2/round it gets costly which is why I make them pay for ammo. Obviously it's much cheaper for handgun rounds, but the same principle applies...Most guys just want start pulling triggers rather than learn first...I guess that's just one of the differences between men and women; People all have different ways to learn, and male and female differ also.