Mantis Train through Venezuelan Tepuyes | Intober52 Prompts 18-20

Greetngs, everyone
Train), 19 (Praying Mantis), and 20 (Bubbles). Only way for me to catch up with the #Inktober52 challenge is to combine more than one prompt in a single drawing. Thus, here I am combining Prompts 18 (




I had initially thought of simply creating a train that emitted bubbles instead of smoke. I could not figure out how to incorporate the praying mantis in it.

So, I took what I thought was the most prominent feature of the mantis, its eyes, and incorporated them on the locomotive or engine wagon.


As a background I wanted something challenging, exotic, mysterious even. So I drew an impossible passage through one of the most amazing landscapes on earth, the Tepuyes of La gran Sabana.


The drawing is actually not finished, but my eyes were very tired and I wanted to post it today since it's been a while since I last posted anything.


A green filter, just to imagine the predominance of the tone because of the vegetation in the area. Hope you like it.



Thanks for your visit

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que buena ilustracion amigo me quito el sombrero

Muy agradecido por tu apreciación. Me alegra saber que te has mantenido en la plataforma y que estas produciendo mucho arte. Te felicitoGracias, @elvlogdedany