Photographing Same Spot at Different Times
Greetings, everyone
My daughetr Vivian completed the challenge we had and was able to get several images from her apartment window in Sao Luis, Brazil, and made the most amazing collage.
I just wanted to share her work with you. As I told you in a previous post, she worked on the pictures I took and did seemless combination of images, shades and lights on the same element.
Now, here is hers.

Vivian is only 17 and even though she is preparing herself to study medicine, she has a natural gift for drawing. Since she got her first smartphone, she started experimenting with photography and I think she has the eye for it.
Here are some of the images she has captured with her Motorola One Action:
This is one of my favorites, along with one you'll see at the end of the post.
Here's the artist.
A father can't be any prouder of his child as I am of this young lady. She is smart, super talented, and has a big heart; one so big she tends to suffer for others, more than she needs to. I guess that sensibility is what allows her to capture the nuances of her models.
As some of you know, because of the situation in Venezuela, millions have left the country, especially young men and women looking for a better future. My daughter is one of this lost generation, which I hope we have lost only temporarily. Love you, sweetie pie.
Thanks for your visit
Bonus Pictures:

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❤ MWAH!!! ❤
Thank you, PHC for your support
Excelente. Excelentes fotografías y hermosas palabras de amor.
Gracias, @marygourmet
You have a very talented daughter! 👨👩👧