I would feel more comfortable with encouraging our witnesses to find common ground with Sun then build on that. Up until now these negotiation have been shamefully childish.
Its time we had a top twenty line up that makes decisions that increase our user base (better for everyone) rather than voting for their own enrichment.
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After two weeks of Sun going back on every thing he's ever said to the steem community? You've got to be kidding. Justin Sun is completely untrustworthy, and has demonstrated that trying to compromise with him means you will give everything up, or just spin your wheels. I think it's time for a split from the bastard.
I see it very differently. After listening to and reading our responses ,I feel let down by the actions of our witnesses.
Of course you do...
The one that I do not feel let us down is yabapmatt.
The rest behaved like a bunch of school boys on a rugby trip
It shouldn't matter how "untrustworthy" any account holder is deemed.
The rules should never be changed with the express purpose of targeting any specific account(s).
With this precedent, should we start freezing the accounts of "abusive" "spammers" like those with negative rep and marked with 3+ blacklists? Why not? Haven't they also been branded as "untrustworthy"?
Let me clear up my position on using the word "untrustworthy" by considering the context in which I used it.
Concerning steem account holders, the only account that I've said is untrustworthy, is Justin Sun's. Why do I say he's untrustworthy? It's because I've heard him talk like he wants to do this and that, he claims to not want to control governance over the blockchain and he wants to increase steem value.
Then, soon after he says such things, he goes right back on the attack. Now he's trying to destroy the Dapps, removing delegations from the developers so he can continue to battle us.
You need to understand that I and MOST steemians now want nothing to do with Mr. Sun. He can now bathe in his stupidity for failing to exercise the most basic principles of honesty and forthrightness, rather than childish attacks. We now have a path that doesn't include him or TRON.
All I can tell you is that if you think Justin is such a great person, you can certainly move to his TRON community and shitcoin, if you aren't already there, which I suspect you are since a small number of TRONians are like the only people saying positive things about Justin at this point in this situation.
He blew it.
The rules should never be changed with the express purpose of targeting any specific account(s).
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Attempting to dodge the question of PRINCIPLES by feebly rushing-to-disqualify my sincere questions, clumsily painting me as "a friend of thine enemy" is nothing but a naked ad hominem attack.
The rules should never be changed with the express purpose of targeting any specific account(s).
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Do you stand by your PRINCIPLES or do you just change the rules because someone made contradictory statements?
With this precedent, should we start freezing the accounts of "abusive" "spammers" like those with negative rep and marked with 3+ blacklists? Why not? Haven't they also been branded as "untrustworthy"?
Isn't it "the community's" responsibility to FREEZE all accounts of "evil" and or "undesirable" and or "untrustworthy" individuals?
Isn't it "the community's" responsibility to FREEZE all accounts of people who insist on COHERENT PRINCIPLES (because only an evil person would insist on such a thing)?
I'm going to explain this once more and that's all.
In my post, the title of which is "Dear Justin Sun - My Open Letter To You," it is obvious that I was writing about Justin Sun. The title clearly makes him the target of the post, since it is a letter addressed to him.
As one of my criticisms of Mr. Sun, I expressed my opinion that Mr. Sun is untrustworthy.
You have lazer-focused on that and are trying to make it into something other than me simply expressing my opinion that Justin Sun is untrustworthy.
To ME he is untrustworthy, or do you purport to instruct ME on what I should and should not think, believe and/or say?
I don't go for censorship.
Yes, spammers are untrustworthy, and their mindset reminds me very much of what I perceive Mr. Sun's mindset to be. You see, that's MY prerogative. No one tells me what I can say and what I can't, or at the least, they won't be listened to.
If you started an "open-letter to scammers" posting drive, and asked people to write a post as part of your effort to stop scammers, it's very likely I would participate along with other Steemians, so stop trying to shame me by implying I don't always do the right thing. I AM a trustworthy person, as anyone who knows me personally would confirm to you.
As far as a fair community is concerned, in a fair community, the majority rules. The majority of Steemians, In My Opinion, feel the same as I do - Justin Sun is untrustworthy, scammers are untrustworthy and I have no idea what the hell you're talking about with the coherent principles; sarcasm, I guess?
Justin Sun came in as an outsider, immediately pissed everyone in the community off, and now he's in a bind with his purchase. If he was an honest person, I would have been in his corner from the start and would still be be in his corner now. He isn't so I'm NOT.
You seem overtly motivated to equate a logical statement, that Justin Sun is untrustworthy, and project that he is a poor victim of the mean Steemians. Yeah, mean Steemians who have had their fill of his lying and deceit. Justin Sun fucked this up, and he has ONLY himself to blame. I'll never be part of his empire. I'm going HIVE and HIVE only.
Are you kidding me? I NEVER suggested The Sun was anything but "untrustworthy". We agree on this.
I'm sure that's true.
I'd say, in a fair community, the rights of every individual are protected.
In a MOB, the majority rules.
Majority rule is never fair, it's simply NATURAL LAW.
No, they shouldn't.
Here's why: Untrustworthy people run the gamut of bad behaviors.
A traitor is untrustworthy; (is also perhaps the MOST untrustworthy, and intends harm.)
A person who tells those little white lies is untrustworthy; (but while technically a liar, intends no harm.)
A traitor should hang for the crime of treason.
With your logic, so should the little white liar.
We can change all of that after this debacle is over. For now, that "top 20" is all we have really....
I feel a possible opportunity. The old guard only want to go back to what we had, making the rules they have been told will keep them in their position.
There are still accounts that do not vote for many home grown witnesses and for good reason. Their concerns of the return of past abuse needs to be addressed. The witnesses need to address the preexisting problem of centralization. If they do that they will have the support of the rest
Hey I have not seen you around for a little while. Have you been on a break
You are confusing me with someone else.
And yea we have spoken once before, i was the guy who asked you the question about julian assange and you surprised me mildly with your reply.
Yes! I want to see commitments to not support freezing user funds which caused all of this. So Justin was wanting to make a Steem coin on Tron blockchain. Nobody had to swap if they didn't want to! But now everyone loses.
I'd say anyone, who after two weeks of Justin Sun, STILL wants to listen to more of Justin Sun's bullshit, must be a Justin Sun steemit adherent, and not a steemian.
you appear to have a very one dimensional view on all of this.
I hear you talking about "coins" all the time... are you in any form thinking about the "coummunity" stuf? ... ummm I guess not at all.