The first books I read were The Chronicles of Narnia. They were quickly followed by Lord of the Rings.
Now they've made movies from the works of both CSS Lewis and JRR Tolkien. I think Peter Jackson did an incredible job with Lord of the Rings. Still, they were nothing like the creations of my own imagination while reading the words of Tolkien.
That's why I'm a storyteller.
"Since the end is never told, we pay the teller off in gold in hopes he will come back. For he cannot be of mortal soul".
Hunter/Garcia - Terrapin Station - Grateful Dead
I don't even remember what my first book was. I guess The Prince and The Pauper, by Mark Twain, was my first book, read in Romanian of course. A great one that made me feel a bit like that Prince caught in the Pauper's family. I like story tellers because there's always a story to be told but not everyone can tell stories and magnetize one's attention. I am working on becoming such a person though. The only problem that I face for the moment is English not being my native language so I can't always say what my mind paints and make everyone sip my words but who knows... maybe some day...
You do fine with English. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Whatever you feel is missing in your English, it's not showing in your writing. There was a part of speech that wasn't quite right, but I do that all the time too. There are way too many in the language. It's easy to mix them up.
Which one? Never too late to lean you know :)
It might not even have been a mistake. Maybe you purposely chose to use "to the detriment of". I suppose your blogging does take away from vlogging because you don't participate in it.
I probably would have wrote "as opposed to" or "in lieu of".
I didn't :)). Thanks for the tips though. Have you tried vlogging, or do you prefer also to blog instead of vlog?
I did some video for a client to go along with blogs I had written for him. It's what he wanted so I did it, but I didn't like it. I think it came through in the vlogs as well. They weren't very well received. I much prefer writing. Ewka summed it up pretty well in her comment too.