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RE: Weekend-engagement week twelve: What would you send? [Win hive for your comment and engagement]

I'm Canadian...and we have a delicacy here that @bigtom13 just LOVES! (I'll wait for his reaction .....) and so therefore, I'd send you some of that French cuisine delicacy called's fries and cheese curds (no other cheese can be used or it's not real!), smothered in gravy to melt the cheese.

I'd like to add that it's nearly impossibly to find a picture that does this amazing dish justice because...well...

(photo courtesy of

...I have no idea if you've been to Canada but if you haven't and ever get to come here, you have to try this. In the absence of that happening, if I could get this to you, I would do it in heartbeat. And I'd send some to Tom just because I know he'd love it....

Disclaimer - Don't actually send this to Tom...he'll never speak to you again. :D


Oh yeah, poutine is tasty!

Take me to Canada ASAP 😂 huge french fries 🍟 fan over here!

Oh yeah, I'm had this actually, a friend of mine, now moved interstate was Canadian and she made it. It was bloody awesome.

As it turns out the little item I'm sending to @hidave is actually something that relates to hot chips. We don't call them fries here. I'll do a post on it in the next day or so.

Yeah, you can hypothetically send these bad boys to me anytime...I'll hypothetically enjoy them!

we'll be making it to Canada and poutine is all I'm going to eat. (not really)

Thanks for joining in, your first time I think. Much appreciated.


Murder most foul. These people (and I mean all these people) take perfectly good french fries (almost certainly made with good old AMERICAN potatoes) and despoil it like the Vikings despoiled the citizenry in England (and maybe particularly in Scotland @meesterboom)(did you think the red hair came from France?) with partially cured cheese and gravy. 2 out of 3 of the ingredients are really good when served properly...

Do you know the Canadians also screw with Doritos? It's TRUE. They grind up little teeny pieces of ice skate blades and broom bristles from Curling and call it Canadian Ranch or some such. True story!

Lol. We assimilated the Viking hordes add there was virtually no difference between us. The poor southerners though. They got pumped :0D

And poutine is smashing, is quite trendy here just now!

Has the whole world gone daft? Do you not know what cheese curds are? UNFINISHED cheese. Really.

Who was the person that first at cheese curds? It's like the first one to eat an egg. "Oh look Margret! This just fell from a chicken's butt. I wonder how it tastes?

Lol...As funny as your comment is and the thought of Boomy getting owned by a Viking called Halvard may be...I'm sorry but I'm going to have to sway on the side of @jangle and say poutine is legit. I had it once and want to have it again...And again. I'm going to enjoy my hypothetical poutine jangle has offered with gratitude...Although, we call them chips, not fries generally.

This has truly damaged my heart. Here I thought of Australia as a vast unspoiled place. Now I find that you are forever polluted too. Makes me sad.

Maybe the vast has something to do with it. Canada is vast, too. Maybe there is no such vast and unspoiled left any more. Makes me wonder if there is any unspoiled? Is there a remote Island in Micronesia that hasn't suffered poutine? Oh, the humanity of it all...

Vast could be attributed to many of the worlds problems I suppose. Vast doesn't seem to keep to itself, if just meddles doesn't it, niggling away at things, ruining chips all over the world. Damn you vast.

I'll be honest though, poutine isn't a thing here...My friend made it and until then I had no fucking clue what it was. However it's like crack, one hit and you're an addict. It's the same with vast, relentless once it gets it's claws into you.

Well I'm safe then. No hits=no addiction.

The vast problem remains. Canada is so vast they don't really know where it ends on the north. It might go on all the way to Borneo or someplace.

Canada wants to take over the world and make their vast way vaster. Greedy.

Yes. Precisely. And the sneaky bastiges are doing it by debilitating the unsuspecting masses with Poutine!

So funny about what you call them...I suppose us french think the world revolves around us because we actually call them french fries haha

Well, to be honest we do have french fries here, the really thinly cut ones...McDonalds sell them...But most people just call them chips. It's an English thing...And we all know the history between France and England...Let's not start a new war huh? Lol.

haha ...fair enough! Although I'd probably be really torn in that war since I don't speak a word of french! well..maybe a few words ....

Swear words probably. Lol.

We love France...Been a few times and speak some phrases, enough to get by. We just love to travel and see new things, learn stuff. France is nice and one of our favourites. We've not been to Canada but want to go there someday, spend a month or so. I had an uncle who lived in Toronto actually. Never went to visit though...Looking back now I guess I should have.

If @jangle starts to swear you'd best pay attention! She's taught ME new words.'s called Cool Ranch and it's one of my favorite Dorito. The first favorite being ketchup dorito! :D hahahahahaha pretty cool, eh?

I've heard that Ketchup Doritos work really good as a fire starter in a pinch. Like if Bear Griz drops in and you are embarrassed to use a torch or something.

Actually. That little bit is true. We tried it once on a motorcycle camping expedition and they really burn well :)

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Chips n gravy sounds good to me. I bet he'd like it. Aussie's love chips n gravy. I used to see people lined up in the mornings at the local carvery to eat chips n gravy. For those that think its sacrilege. Try it! Its good