BLOGGING - Abyss or Bliss?

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago (edited)

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My blogging journey would be so much more fun if someone read my posts.

That was the first thing I saw in my Twitter feed this morning and it made me really sad because not only is the individual who said it a Hive (and old Steem) member, but has been one since August 2017!!! Nobody that is three years into their blogging journey should be feeling the need to express such a craving for simple appreciation of their content. If the content was really bad, I might understand the lack of engagement, but the thing is… the content is actually REALLY good in this instance and seeing that statement made with a link attached to one of their posts inspired this post.!

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I have been writing and blogging for years. Not as many as others, and I may not be as good as other writers out there either, but my point is – I have been in this “arena” for some time now… long before I joined this blockchain, which was over three years ago and let me tell you… it is no easy feat! People seem to have this preconceived idea or notion that much like being an “influencer”... becoming a “blogger” is this rose tinted 21st century way of life where you sit on a beach watching turquoise ocean waves roll at your feet with your toes buried in white sand whilst you drop words onto a page, dollar signs rising as each character lands.

I am incredibly grateful that I am now able to put my energies full time into this space, but let me just say… achieving anything of consequence as a blogger (other than the personal satisfaction of sharing your hobbies and thoughts) is actually incredibly difficult… in many ways, almost impossible.

I recall YEARS – yes years, where getting so much as ONE comment on a blog post was something so exciting I would be willing to crack open a bottle of wine for it! Ok, we all know I am talking shit… I crack a bottle of wine open ANY TIME… so let’s change that to Champagne shall we?! Haha! The point I am attempting to make, remains unchanged though. And let’s add a little reality to that equation, because as a blogger on your own independent platform, that “one comment” does not pay you anything…. So unless that individual spent 6 hours on your site, clicking every Google ad you have floated about and clicked every single affiliate link – you are still going to be pretty screwed come month end.

Blogging is HARD WORK!!!! Anybody who tells you otherwise, is LYING TO YOU!!! - Even when you are well established, it is STILL hard work – but it will be hard work that pays better lol.


…and it is a BIG BUT – isn’t it always! I have been saying this SO OFTEN lately… (but nobody listens to me, lol!) - No, that was NOT the “BIG BUT”… THIS IS: Blogging does not have to be hard!!!! Getting recognition and appreciation for your work doesn’t either – in fact, unlike ANY independent blogging domain or social blogging space… WE, (yes us) hold a KEY! - A key that has the potential to change that for everyone in this space. What’s the catch? There isn’t one. Like ANY recipe it has ingredients… that being your passion, dedication and talent and then there is a method… and that is where the magic happens! What is the method? Simple! Two words… WORKING TOGETHER!!!!!!!! I honestly cannot say it enough!!!!! If ANY of us want to make a success of our “blogging journeys” as well as of this Hive Space” we like to call home… then we cannot continue as islands.

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There is conversation about on boarding, adopting the masses and shouting out loud to the world… but nobody is looking at what we ALREADY HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck it people! The individuals that are already a part of this space are not bloody statistics!!!! They are people who came here, to give this space a chance… but I beg the question, would you want to carry on if you were receiving not a single bit of engagement on your posts – especially after three years?! I know I wouldn’t… and that was why I left the “independent arena” of blogging… because my journey as a writer was simply not being fulfilled there…. But the thing is, there are A LOT of people that are feeling that way, right here in our space.

We have the most phenomenal community… but if ANYTHING is going to change, then the fragments (the you’s and me’s) need to unite. I spoke out of turn during a witness chat once… apparently I was not “allowed” to speak – well, I seldom listened to my parents, I NEVER listened to my teachers and I am not about to start listening to a bunch of strangers who REPEATEDLY prove that they live in little boxes with one dimensional thought processes. I made mention of “the powers that be” and how they could get involved in making things easier for those newer to the blockchain by incorporating “basic directional links” in their footers… ie. to places like @steemterminal and such because people who are new to this space look to the “top earners” blogs as examples and generally follow them. ALL they heard in that was the phrase “the powers that be”. They immediately started talking about how there are no “people in control” because this is a blockchain space… bla la bla…. They missed the point entirely. I followed this response by clarifying what I meant by that phrase and also added that unless they started to look at things from a “laymans” perspective, things here would never change… and you know what – things have not changed and I often wonder if they even want them to!

I am not one to get involved in the politics here, but I will have my say when I feel it warranted. Let me give you an example of “the powers that be” around here… This is not the first time that this has happened and it is also not unfamiliar territory/experience to ANYONE who has been around here for some time. I wrote a POST the other day and I got a $7 downvote on it from blocktrades and purely because they clearly have someone else on a downvote trail. Fair? No. But life isn’t fair a lot of the time… so it is up to us to make the best of it! “The powers that be” may have dominance in many respects, but we have the real deal! We have the numbers and if we stand together, we can change shit like this!

SIDE NOTE: ... oh, and FUCK YOUYou are proving to be part of the problemYou are proving to be part of the solution!!! @blocktrades for downvoting my two posts to recently hit trending. I work hard in this space you asshole and EVERYTHING I write is worthy of it's fucking UPVOTES! I also like to provide for my child and eat you selfish DIPSHIT! Go and find someone worthy of a fucking downvote to pick on please! You are "someone" that so many respected... but WTF?! - - and on that note, a VERY BIG thank you @appreciator (@bluemist) (interestingly enough, someone who far less people seem to offer respect and is often shunned) who is actually moving with the times and supporting the people who warrant it.

If we ALL made the decision to become a united voice with a respect for individuality, we could seriously shake shit up! Perhaps I will only ever make a dent in this endeavour – but a dent is better than nothing.

If we really want people to be enthusiastic about this space, this blockchain and the community… then we need to work together so we can make this abyss a little shallower… one person at a time! We have so MUCH at our fingertips... if only we all saw it and made the necessary efforts to change it!

You cannot expect people to go around praising the ship they are on, flying it's flag... when they are locked in the hull! Nor can you expect an investor to put money into a project or business that is shadowed by greed and divided by fear!!!

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We have already been tainted by SO MUCH, yet here we are... the problem is, now it is just that little bit harder to convince the outside world - as WELL as the newer users on the platform which means we will all have to work THAT MUCH HARDER!!!!!! Simple!

@theycallmedan recently tweeted the following:


We already have the platform - We already have our voices! ALL we have to do... is use them ALL TOGETHER in HARMONY!!!!!!!! NEVER underestimate the POWER of the PEOPLE and the CHANGE possible through their PASSION UNITED!!!!

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I am no whale... but I love this blockchain - especially the community that lies within! - Fucking hell, why else would I have stuck it out for so long?! But I am getting tired of "downvotes for nothing other than politics" and I am also sick of hearing the desperation for direction and cries for engagement from users. Yes, everything is a two way street, but there are simple fundamentals that can be MET by people like you and me and it is up to us to do that if we want to see any major changes - because it is abundantly clear that none of "the powers that be" EVER will!

To the "powers that be" that CONTINUE to ignore the input and common FUCKING SENSE of "ordinary people" like myself who (believe it or not... have skill sets too)... FUCK YOU! - We won't do what you did... (talk talk talk)... Action is where it happens! - And action it we shall!

That is all....

except for this....

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Remember this....?



“He who masters the power formed by a group of people working together has within his grasp one of the greatest powers known to man.” ― idowu koyenikan

A little over 5 months ago myself and the PHC community came together to make some waves... We LOVE making waves, especially the kind that y'all can surf ;) - so if you are keen jump on board!

Well, we are doing it again!!! If you are a PHC member and have not popped into discord of late... PLEASE DO! And if you are NOT a member yet... jump in and on board! We would LOVE to have ALL of you involved!!!!!


Everything is easier when you work as a collective

“A choir is made up of many voices, including yours and mine. If one by one all go silent then all that will be left are the soloists. Don’t let a loud few determine the nature of the sound. It makes for poor harmony and diminishes the song.” - Vera Nazarian

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Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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A community dedicated to producing quality content in multiple genres,
offering our subscribers a read worthy feed.


Created by @derangedvisions



I followed someone who do arts. Her post was downvoted too and I was so shocked. Like, why? I was guessing at that time maybe because she posted a fan art she made two years ago. I did a mental note not to post a throwback on my travels. But after reading this blog, my guess is wrong. It is not because of the throwback.

We should not have to even WORRY about such details!!! We should feel FREE to post whatever the bloody hell we please!!!

Yes! I should. I'll be posting my throwback travels. There are a lot of them before the quarantine started. It's really sad to see high-quality posts to be downvoted with such amount.

oh, and also - in closing - FUCK YOU @blocktrades for downvoting my two posts to recently hit trending.

Probably countering Rancho/Haejin votes automatically as they were voting on junk for quite a while to spite people.

THAT is the case, it's pretty poor fucking form to be a Witness who's actively trying to stop people from actually doing well on the platform. It's hard enough to grow without behemoth accounts deciding to shit on your profit for no reason.All of their recent downvotes are on posts that have received a substantial payout. Could be as you suggested, and hopefully, it's just some kind of misunderstanding like that... because the other option is that @blocktrades is downvoting folks who do well, and if

I hope that the second option is not the case, and would love to hear an explanation as to what method they're using to downvote currently, as I can't in good conscience cast a vote for a Witness who appears to be abusing their power.

It is definitely an automated downvote... because in both instances, it happened within seconds of the upvote. So either he is an INCREDIBLE stalker, or it is automated lol.... but NONE of this was my point! It was ALL of the negatives combined and that if we for once operated as a TRUE collective, we could combat crap like this. @blocktrades may be operating with good intention, but the result of his "automated action" is raising flags... ESPECIALLY for people like myself, @slobberchops and plenty of other GENUINE content creators . My POINT was... I am SICK of the POLITICS! It would be nice for us to be able to "stand together" and nullify shit like this with sheer numbers! - THAT was my point! I was not looking for stroking on the fact that I got a downvote from him... I don't care... which is why I said what I said - but I was merely illustrating a point for the bigger picture :)

That makes perfect sense!

There is no could.

It IS exactly what I said: countering a specific entity.

Well that at least is a relief!

Yes, I am aware of that - hence what I said about "all of it" :)

I read your post, the title got my attention.

I wrote a POST the other day and I got a $7 downvote on it from blocktrades and purely because they clearly have someone else on a downvote trail.

This is due to the big rancho vote, his DV did not wipe out the rancho big vote and I understand why he's doing it. He DV'd me last week for the same reason, and I have met blocktrades TWICE so I know it's not personal. He's trying to get rid of someone, it's not a slight on your work.

I appreciate what you are saying, and in all honesty I am considering editing this post, because all people seem to be taking from it is the closing paragraph haha!!! - I know that he didn't even SEE my post... but what he is doing, or rather... the WAY he is going about doing it... is WRONG!

My primary point was combating KAK like that! because it really is bullshit! - Kinda makes you wanna become a weirdo that gauges eyeballs! ;) haha

Everyone focuses on the drama, it's always been that way! Twice now blocktrades has sent me a big DV, but on both occasions, the upvote from rancho and 'h' compensated me greatly.

There's little anyone can do about that big stake of rancho's, if he wants to curate, then he's free too. I feel it is insincere voting, but that's the design of HIVE.

 5 years ago (edited) 

Everyone focuses on the drama, it's always been that way

Human nature at it's (less than) finest... yes - too true!

Life by design is imperfectly perfect I suppose, but again... happy to nullify that in whatever way I/we can :) (Referring to Hive....)

If he didn't even see your post then this is definitely down-vote abuse.

You don't need to worry, everything will be fine. Perhaps your articles will be readable and popular later. I liked your post. Many thanks. Smile.

I am not worried. I am passionate - there is a distinct difference.

Yes there is.


You know you should take nothing as personal and that's how you survive. We all by default live in our separate worlds and the virtual space is, well...virtually...virtual. Literally, too.

I'm a believer, meaning I believe in the natural evolution of things. It's like gravity. Things are going where they are going when it's time for them to do so. Some good ideas are sometimes too early but later they happen to be...inevitable.

Yet, we might take it as personal were it not in our time ;)

hmmm... I hear you - but I do not agree entirely.

Nothing I have written here is "really" about "me" - but ALL of it is personal! It is that way because I believe in this space - and I speak from a place of passion.

Natural evolution... involves all kinds of influence... #justsaying :)

I really truly understand and fully agree with you. So few people really put in the effort to read anything. I have been here since 2016 and in the beginning on steemit it was sooooo much fun because we interacted and we didn't care about money at all. They were much more strict with posts during that time but that faded out and the whole idea around these platforms have changed. It is a pity you were not here from the beginning you would have had a whole different experience. It was truly awesome! Downvotes were here from the beginning but it was used entirely different than now. You were downvoted when you plagiarized etc, but these days downvoting is done for the wrong reasons. It is sad. I have never seen a bad post from you and you can be very glad to have @appreciator and @bluemist on your side. They are the right kind of whales and I wish there were more of them on this platform. Then you would see this platform booming! It's hard to say that you shouldn't take it personally because you should. I would have felt the same way. xx

Agreed - but again, I am feeling like I need to edit this post because I wrote almost 2000 words and all people seem to see is the last paragraph and my entire message has been missed hahahahahaha!!!

Right. Edited! Let's see how the comments differ now hehehehe :)

Yes , i think this calls for a red, i can say a whole lot but i just agree. I think when you have been here 2017 you should have known all this but its a very nice read and together with the wwwiebe photo i am pouring myself a red one just to celebrate here on my own.

I am in agreement with your agreement :D

Sorry to hear about the down-voting. I think we need the down vote option but I think too there needs to be a limit for those who misuse the function ... the whole "I thought the post was over-valued' is not to my mind a sufficient reason to down-vote someone. And it can only be used on the minnows and dolphins because only the suicidal would down-vote a whale, and they are the one's consistently on the trending page. If we are going by post quality that doesn't make sense. Right?

Perhaps down-votes should be equally weighted, anonymous, and we only get a handle-full a day. That would change things.

The down votes are our de facto law and order. We can look out at the fiat world and see what happens when those with more wealth get all the advantage of law and the little guys gets all the responsibility of order. The system breaks down and ceases to function. That is what happened elsewhere. So far, HIVE is doing well but we need to make sure that we maintain a balance that promotes growth and health. Top heavy never works for that.

You work hard here, Jaynie. I can't imagine you have come close to being fairly compensated for that. I am appreciative of you:)

If we are going by post quality that doesn't make sense. Right?

Nope. lol

we need to make sure that we maintain a balance that promotes growth and health. Top heavy never works for that.


WAIT! Before you edit I need to make one point crystal clear. Downvoting with out a comment explaining why is gutless. Make that Fucking Gutless.

Edit at will :)

You are correct (per normal). We can rise up, there is no doubt about it. Will we? I'm thinking probably not. Sorry, I'm a realist. I've been around the platform a bit, and I'm telling you that not all the 'powers that be' are out of touch with the masses and the problems.

What I think is much more likely to happen is that some of the communities could become like guilds. People that think alike on a couple of real important issues and act in concert to protect themselves and improve their standing. Yes, I'm thinking PHC.

Probably not the time or place to compare our notes on blogging. I paid the server costs and dev costs for 10 years out of pocket with nothing coming into pocket. I did learn the power of engagement and finding people to support. \

Thanks Jaynie. I appreciate honesty and passion more than anything.

We can rise up, there is no doubt about it. Will we? I'm thinking probably not. Sorry, I'm a realist.

I suppose I am of the mindset that "some is better than none" :D

What I think is much more likely to happen is that some of the communities could become like guilds. People that think alike on a couple of real important issues and act in concert to protect themselves and improve their standing. Yes, I'm thinking PHC.

And that works too! And yes, I would like PHC to have a VERY strong presence!

Probably not the time or place to compare our notes on blogging. I paid the server costs and dev costs for 10 years out of pocket with nothing coming into pocket. I did learn the power of engagement and finding people to support. \

Oh yes! Been there too... not quite as long as 10 years... but pretty close. Eventually, I simply could not justify it anymore.

I appreciate honesty and passion more than anything.

We are definitely on the same page xxx

There is no doubt that some is far better than none. And I don't want to imply that I'm in any way against it. I did quite a little work on the Steem Community Project (Ned's 'adios' fuck you). I will always be happy to work and support-but my pragmatism remains.

It seems to me that every effort we make leaves a little mark on Hive. The secret is to keep working and not expect too much from others. Enough little marks will lead to change, I'm positive.

I will always be happy to work and support-but my pragmatism remains.

Always need a few realists around hey :D

It seems to me that every effort we make leaves a little mark on Hive. The secret is to keep working and not expect too much from others. Enough little marks will lead to change, I'm positive.

Could not agree more!

Very passionate post @jaynie, your heart is in the right place.

This picture made my night. 🙂 It's already 1h43 am.

becoming a “blogger” is this rose tinted 21st century way of life where you sit on a beach watching turquoise ocean waves roll at your feet with your toes buried in white sand whilst you drop words onto a page, dollar signs rising as each character lands.

Thank you for writing❗

And thank you @hope777 for the inspiring feedback. Means a lot! There is so much we can achieve if we stand together. xxx

I hope I contributed to your fun Blogging Journey @jaynie as I just finished reading your post. Your first quote that says "My blogging journey would be so much more fun if someone read my posts." made me do it. Very catchy and nice! =D

Well, when I read that on my twitter feed yesterday morning at 6am - it caught my attention too... and not in a positive way! I would like to try and change things like that... it is never nice to see someone feeling that way.

 5 years ago  

Everything is easier when you work as a collective

Hahaha. Sounds like communism to me! 😂


(not sorry)

The automated downvotes really suck. We all know that Hive was really supposed to be Steem 3.0 with all sorts of improvements and such, but the same hurdles are still there. "Decentralised" is really just a different word for "anarchism" (which is distinct from "anarchy") which really just means that everyone does what they want and paths are forged after that.

Still sucks.

(By the way, I read the first part, middle part, and end of your post to make it seem like I read the entire thing. I completely skipped over the part where you wrote about being an 'influencer' and 'blogger' actually being difficult, and outright missed the part about all of us in the Hull not being able to salute the flag. I'm sure it was great though. 😇 )



We all know that Hive was really supposed to be Steem 3.0 with all sorts of improvements and such, but the same hurdles are still there.


(By the way, I read the first part, middle part, and end of your post to make it seem like I read the entire thing. I completely skipped over the part where you wrote about being an 'influencer' and 'blogger' actually being difficult, and outright missed the part about all of us in the Hull not being able to salute the flag. I'm sure it was great though. 😇 )

WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! An expert tactic.... I would expect nothing less :P

Lunch Ride@wwwiebe wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @wwwiebe if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @jaynie! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @wwwiebe!

It's the first time of me hearing you got downvoted. As I read in the comments, it was something automatic and meant not personal but in fact - it's not. How could you know it? I think the least you deserved was a message explaining the downvote.

You're one of the greats here, and many people came to HIVE just because of you. What is happening behind the scenes is pretty mad but I know we can do a lot better. The engagement often sucks, especially if you're new to this place. There's a big chance, you won't make it past the first week.

Have a wonderful day @jaynie!

In all honesty, this was not at all about my downvote. I am actually perplexed at how everyone seems to be focusing on that ONE paragraph lol.... I was simply using it as one example of many of the things wrong with this space and one of the many reasons which cause people to leave. Something that, if we worked together as a STONGER team and community, we could alleviate and make a POINT to those that do that sort of thing.

I guess the example was pretty strong then. 😅

You're right. Together we can do all sorts of things but in order to do that, we must stand up for ourselves and those around us. Even if it's digitally.

hahahaha... clearly! Must have been the "fuck you" part HAHAHAHA!!!!!

You're right. Together we can do all sorts of things but in order to do that, we must stand up for ourselves and those around us. Even if it's digitally.


You don't need to thanks because you deserve more recognition.
What's funny is that some people in influential position are quick to criticize anything which is not giving them the share of pie. I can see many puppets in comments defending this situation and you'll find them almost everywhere backing illogical behavior.
All of them could have made a difference themselves but they choose automation to solve every problem.

Thank you for the vote of confidence @bluemist. And yes, that was precisely my point. Not even the "politics" of this place are handled in an authentic manner... but rather automatic which in itself is hypocritical. My primary point though, is that this sort of thing, alongside people feeling "lost at sea" would be a lot less of an issue if we all stuck together. :)

You ever check discord, email or mobile phone?

My general rule is that "when whales clash to get the hell out of the way" but I read this post (and the comments) last night and here is my unsolicited two cents:

@blocktrades should not be thrown under the proverbial bus just because he is fighting an abuser (or abusers) of the platform.

Sure there has been a lot of collateral damage via the automated downvotes but at least he is actively trying to thwart those who seek to exploit the platform... unlike 99.9% of the folks with even a moderately large stake.

Just my perspective.

My general rule is that "when whales clash to get the hell out of the way"

99% of the time I would agree with that too lol...

blocktrades should not be thrown under the proverbial bus just because he is fighting an abuser (or abusers) of the platform.

I hear you, but that is where my opinion differs... the people that get caught in the middle should not be thought of as "collateral damage".... and on that note, he is not ACTIVELY doing ANYTHING... all of his activity is automated and it is hitting some of the platforms best content creators... and I exclude myself from that statement.

Like I said, I do hear and respect what you are saying, but we will have to agree to disagree I suppose... I am just of the opinion that when you truly feel strongly about something... you implement it with authenticity not automation... because the latter is about as effective as pulling out the plants along with the weeds.

But like I have said to a few other people in the comments... that downvote was not at all what this post was about - it was merely an example of one of the many things that should be addressed...

Appreciate you stopping by to add your say :) Have a lekker Thursday!

I am always okay with 'agreeing to disagree'! No worries there at all. It is assuredly a nuanced scenario and one that you express well from your perspective which is about all that any of us can do.

Cheers and Hive On!

It's a bit more active than you suspect, since configuring and monitoring a bot isn't totally trivial.

But what, you think it would be better if I woke up every day, found every post that Haejin upvoted, calculated manually exactly how much to downvote to lessen it's impact so that his random 100% vote doesn't automatically put it at the top of the trending page? I want to assure you that I'm taking all the time I'm not wasting doing that, and devoting that time improving Hive software in every way I can. Sometimes automation is a good thing.

As a side note, it's worth mentioning that my downvotes don't lower how much rewards are given to posters as a total group, it just results in those rewards being spread more evenly among posters, instead of ending up in the hands of a few posters who are mostly already standardly rewarded with many votes cast by upvoting bots (because he's just upvoting everything that has already received a lot of votes now, whereas previously he was voting 100% votes for short form, nearly automated Korean posts, which likely means you would have never even received a vote from him if my voting bot hadn't been setup to start reducing his votes, forcing him to try another tactic). And my downvote doesn't even completely do that, since it's calibrated (by automation) to be quite a bit lower than the ranchorelaxo/haejin vote.

I understand the ultimate intention, but I suppose it does not make it any less infuriating to those of us who get caught in the middle of all these antics... and there are also many people out there who will never understand what is happening or why they received the downvote in the first place, because they know nothing of the "politics" so to speak.

I do not disrespect or discount the efforts applied nor do I pretend to know what is involved in the logistics of the automation etc. but perhaps something could be applied in terms of communication to those who end up on the receiving end that briefly outlines the what and why. Not sure if that would even be logistically feasible - but maybe it is something to consider... perhaps even manually.

Nonetheless, I respect the fact that you at least took the time to respond and I would just like to add that the mention of the downvote was not at all the primary focus or intention of this post... I was attempting to look at the solutions to situations like this - not the problem itself.... ie. In an instance where say, I get a downvote from you or someone else... that whilst aiming at a good cause in the bigger picture, is not necessarily justified on my post - and that as a community collective... we could compensate that downvote - at least partially so that the recipients of such are not left with a sour taste in their mouth but are rather shifted to a point of positivity because several other people worked together to "rectify" it.

Just one of the many things I would like us to work together at improving and alleviating - as outlined in what I wrote.

If we do not communicate from all sides (even out of frustration) - we will never get anywhere.

But again - I appreciate you coming to respond and respect your reasoning.

How rude of them to do that to you and i agree in what you are saying the voice is always powerful and good to see that you got it out there i am new to all this so i can't comment deeply but i feel you and understand your point of views.

Thank you :) Appreciate the positive vibes!!!

My pleasure you are welcome @jaynie and hope the voice gets stronger 👍

Blogging is indeed difficult.I feel that on Hive we have a great community and that every person here has potential to be heard/read if only they have the patience and commitment to stay. Sorry to hear about the downvote Jaynie

Spot on hon!!! :)

There is no greater feeling for a blogging than seeing engagements on his/her post. The feeling is bliss

BINGO!!!!! And I want MORE people to experience in that bliss... MORE often!

I know I always sound like a broken record, but maybe someday some one will get the drift. I post for me. Thats it. I post what I want, when I want, about what I want to post on. I do it to a quality level that satisfies my urge to create. If no one looks at it, I cant hardly blame them. I actually am surprised anyone actually does look at it. My point it I think people would feel better about the whole deal if they changed their perspective.

 5 years ago  

Come on now! Tell me how you really feel!

Anyone who says that they don't care about comments on their post is lying. Why else would anyone post? You can use a composition notebook if it's all for you. You are right. In the beginning, everyone is in the same boat. Now, three years later, if I was having no interaction at all, I am not sure I would stay. I mean, why?

Having a community or a circle of friends, not to be confused with circlejerks, because that just sound kind of dirty or is that just me? Anyway, having a community to lean into while you are spending time here growing. It can just be friends or a community devoted to things you enjoy, writing, photography - I have to say, if you write about it, there is a community here somewhere that will meet your needs.

I just wanted to say I support you and I want to be counted in the standing of it. Keep cool, woman and let's crack open that bottle! It's wine o'clock here, darn it!

!tip 1.00

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @jaynie! You have received 1.0 HIVE tip from @dswigle!