in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

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“It’s is not just a question of doing what you love for a living. It is a matter of doing what you love with love. Then your life and all lives will be transformed.” ― Rasheed Ogunlaru

So as many of you have already gathered – yesterday, myself and my Power House Creatives community launched our #thriveonhive initiative and much like it’s predecessor, the My Steem Story initiative, it is proving to make as many, if not more “positive waves” for our blockchain which is FAN#$%$#TABULOUS!!! On that note, and before I get tucked into what I had to say… I just wanted to extend an invite to EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON HIVE to participate! We need to showcase our amazing blockchain and it’s community to the world and this is the perfect way to do that! If you are keen, HOP INTO OUR SERVER and have some fun!

“Finding your passion is the first step in living an authentic life. You have to look deep and realise the humongous potential lying within you.”- Avijeet Das

There is MUCH to be said about harnessing passion and enthusiasm on a collective scale! It is really something special when you are a part of a vision coming into fruition – I have MANY visions… most of which comprise of me lying on a deck chair in front of a pool, with a glass of chilled rosé in hand and sometimes I also have visions of HIVE going to the moon and creating a constructive and positive space for ALL of us to enjoy haha!!!

A few people have asked me the question, and then I saw my answer posed as a question on today’s #hivechat by @bhoa...


This is something I have been whining about for quite some time now – and for good bloody reason! The question asked of me has been "what the purpose and objective of initiatives like #thriveonhive is" and here I am to answer that! - In short… USER RETENTION! Not a complicated concept, but most certainly a little more complex to implement than most are bothered to discover.

What people seem to be overlooking is “collective influence”. Yes, we are all big people that have to pave our own way in the grand scheme of things, but here’s the thing… blockchain "anything" can be VERY overwhelming to MANY … I speak from my own experience. We are NOT islands!!!!!! I have said it once, twice and thrice – but never enough…. WE need to work TOGETHER if we are to achieve ANYTHING of consequence in this space!!!!

User retention being one of the many things on the agenda! Initiatives like #thriveonhive, bring people together… creates a sense of purpose in a unified space and breeds PASSION! That pesky little word that aint going ANYWHERE, because it is top of the list of priority! What we did as a community yesterday showed collective dedication! It showed unity and parallel thought! It was illustrative of a collective that stands together and shares the same vision! - Because that IS what it is and when people see that… they want in!!!! You HAVE to ignite passion and enthusiasm in people if you want them to walk along the road with you. In addition to this it is something that SPARKS hope! There are a lot of people in our space that (despite their dedication) see no light. I aim to CHANGE THAT with initiatives like this! They can see and become a part of something (a community) that gets them excited about the space and above that, they can step into a space with people that will help keep that enthusiasm alive - pushing forward... TOGETHER!

Yesterday - as we were about to "hit the blockchain" with our posts... there was conversation among many about how "they as individuals" had come into our space because of our last My Steem Story initiative... and whilst they had joined us because of it - they had not experienced the "hype" of the moment itself. It is VERY emotional - because there are FEW things in this world that compare to comradery!

It brings us together and keeps us together! - Like I have already said... Hive is not simply a blockchain - it is a decision, a mindset and a like minded community that shares in the growth of such. - I consider our Power House Creatives community a catalyst in this endeavor.

“Passion can seem intimidatingly out of reach at times - a distant tower of flame, accessible only to geniuses and to those who are specially touched by God. But curiosity is a milder, quieter, more welcoming, and more democratic entity. The stakes of curiosity are also far lower than the stakes of passion. [...] Curiosity only ever asks one simple question: "Is there anything you're interested in?" Anything? Even a tiny bit? No matter how mundane or small? The answer need not set your life on fire, or make you quit your job [...]; it just has to capture your attention for a moment. But in that moment, if you can pause and identify even one tiny speck of interest in something, then curiosity will ask you to turn your head a quarter of an inch and look at the thing a wee bit closer. Do it. It's a clue. It might seem like nothing, but it's a clue. Follow that clue. Trust it. See where curiosity will lead you next.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert


Let's travel this road together...


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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A community dedicated to producing quality content in multiple genres,
offering our subscribers a read worthy feed.


Created by @derangedvisions



I need to investigate this community further, looks interesting and thanks for sharing! @tipu curate

thank you for the mention. I really like this initiative but i am finding it hard to flow with the community because i sisnt understand the way things were run. I dropped a message for you on discord some time ago and didnt get a reply.

perhaps you should just hop onto the server @bhoa...

I am on the server already

Well let's chat there :) Have tagged you.

Power is what the house does best , and the ride towards the future is real , let do it !!

Uh huh. Even bad business peeps know that it's wayyy easier to keep a customer than it is to find a new one.

This initiate has been just nothing but fun and fancy. Except for all the hard work you put in. Thanks. As a member of PHC. Thanks as a member of Hive. You just rock.

Interesting point but, IMHO, most HIVE users are sellers not customers, and that's the problem to keep them here, are they getting what they deserve for their efforts.

It seems to be like salmon swimming and jumping up the rocks. When you are new on Hive, it is overwhelming. Not all that try will make it, however some amount will persist and do well. Anything that will increase the odds is a good thing!

Hola @jaynie te dejo mi participación en la iniciativa de Mis cinco para #thriveonhive que publique hace 3 dias y no me lo votaron: https://hive.blog/hive-114105/@giocondina/my-five-for-thriveonhive-by-giocondina