Even when it is dark and foreboding, and many obstacles seem to
Be in your way, the sunlight of hope, and the fresh air of a much
Needed friend can come shining, breezing through and change
It all from dismal and gloomy, to a bright, hopeful, forward
Looking future!
I could use such a friend right about now. Things around me are decidedly dismal.
Oh, no one I know is sick (that says a lot right there) but having lived in a state
Of deep depression for a long time, but now not being ABLE to get out and
Assuage this feeling is driving me deeper into the darkness
We are surrounded with examples of how
Just the right thing will come through, just when you had
About given up, and come from an unexpected direction too!
JUST when you least expect it
So why do we despair? How can we not have faith that
Things will work out for the best in the end? It may
Not be just the way we would have wanted, but
You know what? Many times it is better than
What you had hoped for in the first place!
Oh PLEASE come around soon, I don't know how much more I can take
What goes around, comes around, and I
Am a firm believer in that!
Do good things, and it will rebound on you
I've striven to do exactly this, to be a better person today than
I was yesterday, but not as good as I will be tomorrow
It is always worth it to
Be a kind and helpful person.
In general, I am
Share your good fortune,
Even if all you have to
Share right now is a
Smile; share it.

There, I shared my smile
“Sunlight of Hope”
Jerry E Smith
Wil Stewart-Unsplash
These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks
You doing alright pops?
Not really Paul, I'm not suicidal or anything (yet) it is just so hard being SO very alone, nothing to do, no motivation to do the few things there are to do (cook, eat, wash dishes, take a bath) I thank you for inquiring @paulmoon410
It’s lonely here to my man... I’m struggling some days.
When all this started, I felt like it would be no problem for me, (and it wasn't for a long time). I've LIVED in the isolation of depression for years, but when I needed to get up and go, there was nothing stopping me.

Not so now, but one thing that has me all knotted up is, that I've felt from the start that much of this is unnecessary, it isn't helping but it IS causing great turmoil in our society.
I could go to the store, but I don't want to. I could take a bath (it is Saturday after all ha ha ha) but I don't want to.
I Could go get some liquor, but I REALLY don't want to do that.
I wish I had some more good weed ha ha ha
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❤ MWAH!!! ❤
'breeze blowing through, to lighten my burden'Thank you @steemitbloggers, your support is a