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RE: Composting From Your Kitchen: Don't Chuck It in the Trash!

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago

Making a compost pit or obtaining a special container both work well, only thing we added which you excluded are egg shell from chickens were crumbled and put in as well. Introducing earthworms assists the process faster (sometimes they arrive on their own in a compost pit).

Old tea bags (black tea) were soaked in a special container and used exclusively on the rose bushes breaking the tea leaves out of the paper bags then poured around base of the plant.


Those are good tips. Thank you. @joanstewart! Egg shells or no egg shells seems to be the great debate in these comments. 😁

I need to look that up and find the pros and cons so I better understand that. Thanks for stopping by!

 5 years ago  

We use bonemeal in the garden as well, I would thing raw egg shells would supply calcium and nutrients back into the soil, being rough on the edges possibly some air as well.