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RE: On Family

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago (edited)

Beautiful photos! What a wonderful and touching story, I'm glad your experience went better than anticipated and get to reconnect with lost family and fortunate enough to have been raised in a loving family, now you have more people to love! Sorry to hear you never got to meet your mother and ask the questions. Hopefully you get to carry on relationships and possibly meet more relatives of yours.

You are absolutely right about people not adopted can't begin to understand the thoughts that go thru ones head not knowing why you were left behind, who are you really, what do they look like, do relatives know about your existence, how about other siblings... the questions are endless. I don't give it much thought anymore, maybe I'm afraid of the answers, maybe just never wanted to know me. I never tried all that hard either, just lived my life and moved on for the most part. I did briefly meet my biological father once when I was 8 or 9 but nothing ever came of it.

Thanks for the tip btw :)


You are absolutely right about people not adopted can't begin to understand the thoughts that go thru ones head not knowing why you were left behind, who are you really, what do they look like, do relatives know about your existence, how about other siblings... the questions are endless. I don't give it much thought anymore, maybe I'm afraid of the answers, maybe just never wanted to know me. I never tried all that hard either, just lived my life and moved on for the most part. I did briefly meet my biological father once when I was 8 or 9 but nothing ever came of it.

You KNOW. I didn't work all that hard at it, really. I'd go years between efforts. My adoptive brother did the birth certificate thing before me and sent me the necessary paperwork to complete it. His story didn't play as well as mine, unfortunately.

I made peace with the whole thing years ago. I just have a curious nature and that's all that kept me going, not some pressing need to know. It was curiosity that prompted me to spit in the test tube to begin with, I really didn't even consider that it might be a pathway to my family.

That's good that it isn't something you stressed over or were bothered with. As a child it used to get to me a little and I was curious, when we met and never got my answers well it left a bit of a sour taste but I got over it as an adult. I don't get along with my current family and was always treated different in a bad way, maybe why I wanted to know more. I can't say I'm curious enough to spit in a test tube for the dna kit to find out, I have a few issues with sharing that sort of information with unknown entities, obviously it worked out well for you.

Sucks for your brother to put in all that work and get disappointed, I hope he didn't take too hard, such is life sometimes. Some people have a twisted sense of priority, she's missing out on what could have been something special. I'm under the impression the case is the same for me, he just didn't want a relationship and I respect that, about all I can do.

Yep. I don't have to understand something to respect it. By all reports my mother would have welcomed me back. At least I'd like to think that...