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RE: Are you good at what you do?

lol, a lot of people point at you that you get good rewards. Maybe that's why you are questioning, "Are you good at your job?"

For me, I don't know if I am good at my job or not. If I am good at writing on hive or not.

But there was one tweet that I read a month ago. I even wrote a post based on it. The lesson still sticks with me.

If you have to do something daily, you better try to do your best in it.

And I was like a lot of people around me complain about their job, business, life and other things. They still do it daily.

So, if I am doing something daily, I will try to do the best I can. And not complain about it. Otherwise stop doing it.

And if we even improve 0.01% daily, that's a lot over a long time.

I used to write really bad posts on steemit. When I came back to hive in March 2020, I was still writing bad posts. But now, I have been writing for 50+ days daily. I try to add little bit of improvements. Like edit a little more. Find better words. Find better graphics.

And I believe that I have improved considerably in the last two months.

So, if we keep improving, one day we will be better at our job.😄


lol, a lot of people point at you that you get good rewards. Maybe that's why you are questioning, "Are you good at your job?"

There is 3.5 years of my history on Hive for people to follow the story and process, and I have even documented much of it in various ways too. What isn't directly on Hive but comes into my work is all of the experience before I was on Hive. No one comes in a blank slate.

If you have to do something daily, you better try to do your best in it.

I agree. It is better to do a crap job well than a mediocre job averagely. Funny thing is, people might get a sliver of what a great job could be, but they don't put there all into it because it doesn't give them a salary.

And if we even improve 0.01% daily, that's a lot over a long time.

Incremental change adds up fast and compounds to speed the process.

I try to add little bit of improvements. Like edit a little more. Find better words. Find better graphics.

These things will add up and have the benefit of developing skills that are applicable in real life.

So, if we keep improving, one day we will be better at our job.

Every day we are better at our jobs :)

Every day we are better at our jobs :)

So true👌😎


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And I was like a lot of people around me complain about their job, business, life and other things. They still do it daily.

Funny how even a daily negativity does not actually improve the quality of their complaining, nor of their situation.

And if we even improve 0.01% daily, that's a lot over a long time.

Yet when we put even a small effort into improvement, life's little woes seem to start taking a back seat.