The Nightmare (4)


Amy woke up with a peaceful smile on her face. As soon as she opened her eyes, she knew that the time has come. She had been waiting for this moment for more than a decade. She had ran so many scenarios in her mind of the conversations she would have with her first visitor after the exile. This morning would be the day when it all started. The beginning of the end. The time to establish the rightful order.

Ten years had passed since she had left the world and took the vow of silence. Within this time, her appearance did not change much. She was the same svelte, dark haired woman, beautiful and spirited, incredibly agile on her feet. A streak of white hair flowing on her left shoulder was the only indication that she had aged.

Her big brown eyes were warm and bright. Her face skin, sun burnt and dried by the cold winds, had a few more sun spots. She did not care much cause the only time she would see her reflection in a mirror, would be only once a day when she’d wash her face in the morning.

Growing as a tom boy, she never cared much for her physical appearance. She was not the type of woman who would spend countless hours in front of a mirror. She would rather do something useful and worthy of her time.

Most of her life she had guided thousands of souls throughout their journey and she was able to tell the troublemakers from those who were evil. She felt their potentials and energies even before they became aware of them. She had been the guiding light for enthusiastic travellers, soul seekers, widows, psychics, local rulers and even presidents. Unlike those of her kind, she could sense or see things way before they happen.

Although she was a seer, her visions were not able to make her change her own destiny or make things work in her favour. When it came to her own future she was practically blind. She could not foresee it. She could see other people`s but not hers. She knew that things happen for a reason and trying to rearrange the order was not allowed.

Besides, any interference with the Balance would created a ripple. When ripples occurred, she was banned from the Ax’ service. That’s how she ended up spending more than a decade in the Peruvian Andes.

When the Balance`s counsel sent her in exile, she embraced their decision and never looked back. It did not matter to her that she would have to live as an outlaw, all alone. She never regretted helping her friend, although it almost costed her powers. She did not care about it because she was convinced that she had done the right thing, even if that meant to break the Balance’s rules.

At one point during her first exile years, she worried for her sanity. To prevent her from going crazy, she kept a journal. Each day she would write down her thoughts or draw something. By the end of the year, she had filled over sixteen notebooks. Then she realised how dangerous was the content of those sixteen black notebooks. If they had fallen in the wrong hands, it could lead to a war. Thus she decided to burn them all, which she did the later on that day. In the evening she lit a bonfire and threw them all in.

She watched the lines of her stories turn to ash. While gazing at the bonfire and the sparks flying around, she said to herself: “Marshmallows!”. She remembered tasting marshmallows for the first time in her life, with her friend, during her trip to the states.

To Be Continued

You may want to read the first two parts of this story, otherwise this post won`t make much sense to you.
The Nightmare 1
The Nightmare 2
The Nightmare 3

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay


Drop me a line in the comments section below if you like what you read!


@2020 Lavi Picu aka Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.



Marshmallows? I certainly didn't see THAT coming.

As always, well written and keeps me fully engaged. All I can say is keep them coming-and of course, Thank You.

You`re welcome! I just posted a new part of this story, you may want to see it. ;0)

This just keeps getting better! and Marshmallows was a turn that I didn't see coming. So random but real. Doesn't matter who you are or what powers (or not) you have, life is real and sometimes as simple as a marshmallow memory.

To prevent her from going crazy, she kept a journal. Each day she would write down her thoughts or draw something. By the end of the year, she had filled over sixteen notebooks.

This is us on Hive! hehe. Except we can't burn it. It here forever!!

Sensory cues can trigger memories long forgotten. ;0) As for us on Hive, you are right!!! Good one!

 4 years ago  

A years worth of exile and she was thinking of 'smores!