Blessed nature │ A little visitor in my home.


Mother Nature that every day
you give us your love
through your creations.


Nature often gives us great things that we seem to see as small. I am a lover of nature and its gifts. In my backyard, there are some fruit trees. One of them is a mamon tree that is right next to the house.

It provides incredible freshness and, next to the kitchen window, through the protective wire mesh, I can always see and also hear the song of several birds that perch there to search for food in the fruits of the tree. There are small parrots known as parakeets and some birds that I do not know by race, but by beauty and sweetness in their song.


One of them is the one I show you today, with a mixture of colors that make it look beautiful (yellow, brown, black, and white). He sits on the branches of the tree and I can see him through the wire mesh.

Maybe the photos are not perfect at all because of the interposition of the wire cloth but I wanted to show him in the splendor of his colors, which can be seen in the photo despite the imperfections.

There are several of these birds because I have already visualized them in other places around the house. It has a beautiful whistle every time it is in the branches of the tree.


They are of those small things that I love enjoying nature and that I call, simple pleasures of life, those that being small, fill our hearts with joy.

Thank you for allowing me to show them to you and make you enjoy looking at them and admiring them as well.



The best voices are those born from the heart.


Thank you for taking the time for this reading.



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Source on @thealliance's blog.

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 4 years ago  

It's such a pretty bird, I had to see what kind it is. It is a White-Throated Kingbird (Tyrannus albogularis). How wonderful that you have a beautiful tree outside your window that attracts visitors like this! Thank you for sharing this lovely little fellow with us! 😊

Wao, thank you for researching what kind of bird it is, my dear @thekittygirl. I've always been struck by her vibrant and contrasting colors. I love to hear them sing and see them through my window. Those are the little things that make life great. I love having you visit my blog and that you liked my publication. A big hug back to you.

 4 years ago  

Birds around the garden bring so much joy and song, glad you stopped to photograph to see the beauty too @marybellrg

As the years go by, one appreciates the little big things in life. In the trees of my house, there are always many. This one in particular walks with another one like it as a couple and I love it even though I don't know their names. Appreciating the small really makes life great. Thank you for passing by and appreciating, I love your vsita, you are always welcome to my blog, dear @joanstewart

 4 years ago  

More often than not it is the joy around us that keeps us going, nature rewards us whenever we look out the window. Have a wonderful day Mary.

That's right! Thank you, my beautiful friend. It is a pleasure to read to you always. @joanstewart

I can get so happy when there are birds singing around my home.. I can imagine it made you very happy and in touch with nature.. it's a beautiful bird btw.. don't think I've ever seen one in the wild..

Yes, it is indeed a very pleasant and rewarding experience. As the years go by, one appreciates much more, these little things that are great. @thekittygirl researched and put what kind of bird she is and her name, is placed in her comment in this post. Immensely grateful for your visit, you are always welcome to my blog. A hug back to you. @thisismylife

Just like you do, I love nature and being around beautiful trees and garden. My home compound is full of green grass, fruits and trees. You would be seeing birds flying around. I feel they bring blessings to the house.

Al igual que tú, me encanta la naturaleza y estar cerca de hermosos árboles y jardín. Mi complejo de casa está lleno de hierba verde, frutas y árboles. Estarías viendo pájaros volando. Siento que traen bendiciones a la casa.

Nature itself, with all its gifts, is already a blessing. How nice that you can enjoy it in your home and appreciate it from the heart. It makes positive energy circulate in your life. Thank you very much for visiting me and leaving your comment, I appreciate it! You are always welcome to visit my blog, dear @startrings01


He querido capturar un pajarito como ese que a veces viene pero la perrita de la casa lo espanta...jajaja. El pobrecito siempre termina posándose en los cables de los postes eléctricos y el zoom de mi teléfono no lo capta bien

Me encantó la foto de las ramas de los árboles,se ven preciosas y ese reflejo que hizo un rayo de luz da un aura de santidad.

¡Gracias por compartir tu onda positiva linda @marybellrg!

Jajaja, para fotografiarlos es todo un proceso, linda @eugelys. Fueron muchas fotos en silencio absoluto desde la ventana para no espantarlo. Al final, gracias a Dios pude capturarlo para compartirlo. Muchas gracias por tu visita y apoyo, siempre es.limdo encontrar tus líneas en mis publicaciones. Te abrazo de vuelta!.

I see that Kitty Girl has identified your birdie. It is beautiful and reminds me of one of my favorites from my younger days: Meadow Lark, with another beautiful song.

It's really nice that you have the trees right outside the window and can enjoy the smell and feel from inside.

really enjoy nature. I feel that I am privileged in that sense because I also have a beautiful view from my terrace to photograph the Sunsets that I sometimes show in my publications. Thank you for visiting me and leaving your valuable comment,.I appreciate it very much! 🤗 @bigtom13

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks CommunityYou have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Thank you very much for your valuable support, dear team @innerblocks and curator @thekittygirl

Birds are full of joy, no?
Good to see how you embrace them!

Hahaha I definitely think they are full of joy because their singing, when they are on the tree near my window, is a beauty. Nature always surprises us with beautiful things. Thank you very much for visiting me and leaving your comment, I appreciate it very much. You are always welcome! @rem-steem

 4 years ago  

I have a tree right outside my front room window that usually hosts a robin's nest. I really enjoy listening to them chirp and yell at me when I leave the house. It drives the cats crazy!

Hahaha I imagine the cats so circumspect going crazy with the song of the birds that we love. Nature is wonderful, without a doubt. Thank you very much for visiting me and leaving your valuable comment, dear Victor. I appreciate it very much. A hug back! @wwwviebe

I give you, as always, a delicious coffee, my dear friend. 🤗☕

Those can be distractions from the intended subject, or they can be frames with which to juxtapose differences, giving more perspective.
Post upvoted and reblogged my friendLove the images of the bird @marybellrg. Sometimes the view from the window must contain the screen or the bars between panes of glass.

I was hesitant to publish it because of the sight of the window's protective metal grid. But, the image of the bird is so beautiful, that I finally decided to show it. Thank you very much for your appreciation and enriching comment, I appreciate it very much.
I'm very happy that you liked the image. I also appreciate your support, dear @jerrytsuseer. You are always welcome!

 4 years ago  

One of the blessings of covid for me has been that I've noticed many of the small things in my life I previously took for granted. I think these photos are great, even with the grid, maybe because of the grid.

Yes, I think the same as you. This time of confinement has made us value what we used to consider small things, which in reality are the things that make life great and beautiful. I love that you liked it and I love your visit. I thought that the wire cloth was going to make the picture look ugly and so I hesitated a lot to publish it, but now I realize that, as you say, it rather enhances the image. A big hug and thanks again! You are always welcome! @owasco.

Aqui hay amiguitos asi como el tuyo, y siempre se paran en los aires acondicionados del edificio, me encanta admirarlos y cuando me dan chance de tomarles una foto lo hago. La naturaleza es tan bella en cualquiera de sus formas! me encanto leerte. Abrazos mi querida Marybel!


Gracias, preciosa Mari. Me imagino que tus fotos de ellos deben ser hermosas!. Gracias por visitarme y dejar tu apreciación!. Siempre es grato leerte, querida @mballesteros. Otro abrazo de vuelta!.

Such a beautiful yellow on that bird.. how lovely 😊 Nature is a blessing for sure!

That's right, dear friend, it has many gifts that we have yet to learn to enjoy and appreciate. Thank you for visiting me and leaving your comment, you know I appreciate it very much. A hug back to you, dear @bdmillergallery

 4 years ago  

How beautiful to have all of this, right outside you window! The sweetness of nature is within your sights.

Yes, nature is definitely generous and true, to have this tree in view from my window with all its natural treasures, is a blessing. I'm so glad you liked it. You are always welcome, dear @dswigle

Waoooo que hermoso Maryy, de verdad que tu escrito junto con las imágenes nos enseñan a querer esos pequeños detalles de los que hablas, que hermoso bella! Sigue creando tan buen contenido como siempre. Un abrazote

Gracias, mi hermosa @tripode.por tu visita y siempre valioso comentario. La naturaleza es muy generosa con sus pequeños grandes detalles que a veces no sabemos apreciar. Me encanta que te haya gustado. Eres siempre bienvenida, mi bella. Te abrazo de vuelta...

Que buen trabajo captando la belleza de este pajarito. Hay que proteger la naturaleza ella nos brinda cosas buenas. @marybellrg

Asì es, mi bella. Son un regalito que disfruto cada dìa desde mi cocina, somos privilegiados al poderlos escuchar y fotografiar. Gracias por apoyarme siempre, eres ùnica! Te abrazo! @sacra97

What an amazing view at the kitchen, it must have been setting wonderful atmosphere when you are doing your cooking. :)

Yes, it really is a very peaceful environment, listening to the singing of the birds in the tree next to the kitchen window, is a real delight. Thank you for visiting me and commenting, I appreciate it very much. You are always welcome. @iamjadeline

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