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Awesome. There used to be nice bikes in Seoul that the city took care of but they closed and replaced them with junk. If my kids didn't grow so much I would buy them bikes but I know as soon as I buy one they will grow out of it. I'm a little afraid of renting bikes during corona. I would love to ride now. Also an exercise bike would be awesome on a rainy day. You make moving to the suburbs more tempting.

 5 years ago  

I agree. There used to be places that would rent out great bikes free to residents in Seoul (just not in the most popular han river areas). They also used to fix bikes for free and sell cheap spare parts.

Now the new green and white bikes are all over, but they cost money and are not very good. The worst part is how they brag about it.

Suwon used to have a similar pay one, but now they are opening up these proper shops.

Seoul definitely had better bike paths ~ if they aren't crowded, but I do like the small farm roads and trails best.