Love the mask idea! I like how you all make it work with just some improvisation and some creativity :)
Years from now, the mother has a story to tell about the times when her son was born ;)
How was the situation for giving birth in the hospital in covid times?
My sister's first baby (a girl) was born 3 months ago now. She was alone in the hospital most of the time. Her husband was only allowed to be there an hour after birth. Then he had t leave...
I also still haven't met her in real life. My sister lives in England so it's not very easy to swing by these days! And the other way around... my niece got official papers only a few weeks back (those offices are also closed for the most part).
Luckily my parents went and visited once she was born (few months back the situation was easier in terms of visiting).
Oh well, soon, I'm sure, I will meet her finally! For now... Facetime... :)