Random Friday


Actually, my day didn't start with this kid in the image. He was my neighbour or board mate to be precise. He came into our room most of the time to watch cartoons or Disney movie on the laptop of my friend. His father told me that they're television was broken some time ago. Since the pandemic is ruining everything. His father can't buy a new one because he doesn't have work for now.

Say hi to my small friend and visitor here. He is a cheerful kid and loves to run outside our room. But the owner was mad at his father when this kid kept on running. Well, they couldn't complain because they can't leave her for now. They have a remaining balance to pay in their room. But let's forget about that and just focus on how this kid showed a sweet smile.

So actually, my day started with a walk outside. I wanted to try the lens for the phone that I bought for almost $2. But as you can see in the image above. The lens was not helping to have a good capture. Maybe because the camera on my phone is not that good. Well, there's no time to be picky because of the situation. I'm just happy that I can capture images and the most important is I can write on this phone.

Dreaming to have a better phone but not now. Focus the rewards in buying food these days. Soon it will come when days will going better.

The father of this kid has a sideline income. He will be selling fish and shells here. We bought these shells and of course, I'm always the cook here. I just stew it and put water to have soup. The shells were not too many. If the food will not good enough for all of us. I usually put soup so at least it will add more to make us full and as a partner of our rice food.

This thought seems a bit hard to handle, right? Well, it's fine because I already submitted papers to go home. I just hope that it will be approved right away of my power in the hive will be spent it all in providing food. Anyway, all is good, we just need to be positive that everything will be alright.

thank you for reading

images are mine
huawei p8

d' dreamboy,

HIVEPHmrnightmare89.gif @mrnightmare89


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Thanks for being a member of both MAXUV and MPATH!Hi @mrnightmare89, you have received a small bonus upvote from MAXUV.

These are some challenging times, @mrnightmare89. I certainly hope things do improve soon. I’m glad you are able to put some food on the table, and that Hive has helped to support you!

Yeah, life will always like that anyway.

Thank you for dropping by.