Well my long term hobby has been computers/electronics. Here is a picture of a project I am about to start. A robot controlled by a Raspberry Pi (I have 13).
I am also getting into a new hobby for me Ham Radio.
My elmer ( ham radio mentor) is coming over this afternoon to help with tuning my antenna that I just put up.
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Robotics has been one of the things I wished I tried to already start learning. I once had a girlfriend who competes in robotics contests and as far as I can remember, she and her team managed to win some contests before. They used Lego for their robots.
On the other hand, the nearest I made towards robotics was just while playing with K'nex where we can assemble a body of movable parts, and have the parts move using its included machine. It provides 2 axes of rotation that when utilized, could give some action to your "robot." It was a fun experience. I still have my K'nex pieces. But I don't have anything built with them now except for this custom laptop stand I made for my younger brother. 😄
tokens.What can be cooler than creating robots. As a kid I also collected action figures and the idea of robbots was still a futuristic, far, far away possibility. Now it is all over and I just envy those who understand enough about electronics and programming as to create their own machines. It's just fantastic
Haha... your name on Hive was a bit of a clue! 🤣 Serious respect to gadget people and tinkerers, for surely you are the inventors, the fixers and the "what if?" people.
Thanks, most probably do not get the meaning. I had to shorten it as the full length (My Technology Trail) was too long.
Wow. A robotics project with a Pi? That's some cool stuff.
And Ham. I have a couple of good friends that are HAM operators. One is just about completely blind so the radio truly is his friend. His seeing eye dog Lucy is a good friend of my Sam :)
Thanks, I am going to do a series of posts showing the build and the programming of the robot.
I've been looking to getting into radio over the last year or so, from a communications/preparedness aspect mainly, but also for fun. I think it's good to combine enjoyment and practicality ion hobbies when I can. It's a fairly deep hole to delve into I've been told, but it's something I'd like to do. So many things, so little time.
I knew you did robotics stuff...That's cool too. Sometimes I watch a show on TV called Battle Bots which is a whole lot of really smart robotics and engineering people building machines designed to kill each other. Most are sponsored by robotics, engineering, aerospace, computer and associated companies including universities. It's all about showy as far as a TV show, but there's some pretty interesting stuff on the show. I'd like to do that, but I'm not that smart.
Check into whether there are any Ham Radio clubs in your city. When I moved to London, in 2019 I had been thinking of getting into Ham Radio for many years. Years ago you were required to learn morse code and I was not interested in code. Closer to 2019 I heard that code was no longer required and my brother who was a Ham gave me a handheld Ham Radio and I brought it to London, so I was browsing around the web one night and discovered LARC (London Amateur Radio Club) had a club and web site. I then saw they were holding a class for training for the exam a couple months later. I took the plunge and signed up and passed the exam on the last session. After getting my License VE3YRG I was able to join in on the Tuesday night 2M elmer net. A group of us noobs listen to a more experienced Ham talk about a subject Ham related and can ask questions. It is a safe place to chat and learn how to operate on radio without worrying about stumbling over our tougues. I then asked my brother VE6RBN if he had a spare radio that I could get on the HF bands (frequencies not covered on hand held). The hand held operates on VHF bands and are only line of sight (20-50 miles) wereas HF bands can bounce around the world depending on power and sun spot activity.
There is and one of my mates is going through the process you did at the moment. I am pretty keen to do the same but it's a matter of time for me at the moment, lack of it. I've got a long happening over here and with that, other hobbies work and all...Time is very difficult to find. I'm intending to do it though. I'm keen for the HF thing, worldwide.
Yes, we could possible chat then real time while exploring a great hobby.
That's the idea - get connected. I like the idea of having a method of gaining information without relying on the traditional ways.
Plus I am sure that it fits in with you prepper mindset.
Yes, that's the driving factor.
I didn't know you were in London, I had thought Canada.
There is a club here in Yuma. A lot of retirees bring their radios with them and a lot of retirees want to 'learn the ropes'. They meet for breakfast on Thursday mornings from October through April.
LARC is a great club, and an awesome group. Due to Covid the Saturday get togethers for breakfast have stopped as well as the Tuesday coffee shop gatherings. We do get together on the air, so still some social activity still goes on.
Damn. I got my third class and second class radio engineer ticket punched in 1970. I wonder if it's still good :)
Hammy has always been on my list of want to hobbies. Short wave has always interested me.
It's looking good! I'm always amazed how people can build things, and I love robots 👀
Ah, so if I have questions about my new hobby, I might seek out some advise, I mean thirteen of them? But my first PI is going to be learning some programming and as a future possible desk top replacement. I can hardly wait till the 11th or 12th, but with my luck with Amazon Delivery I'll be lucky to get it before Christmas.
Time for me to start a new list a Rasp-Pi list.
Be happy to help where I can or point you to some great references. Always learning new stuff, it never stops.
I love robotics, it makes me wonder how they are programmed to perform. That alone gives me the desire to want to know more about it but its unfortunate that I wasn't able to push through. Now I can only admire those who can understand robotics
I have always been amazed at things that they do. For me it is mostly about learning and stretching my brain.
That's nice, its good to gain knowledge for no knowledge is a waste
tokens.I can see where robotics would be an enjoyable hobby. I don't know much about the inner workings of a computer.