Great article and verygood points Im sure many people havent thought about!
I have actually had a disaster plan for my online life for almost 20 years which I go through about every 6 months to keep up to date. My best friend and my brotherhave copies. I really ought to give a hard copy to a solicitor to save but Im a tight arse and dont want to spend the money!!
It just outlines what should happen in the event of my demise. Its not about the money but informing gently, my online friends all over the world, some of whom I've known 20+ years.
This all came about in 2001 when an online friend on a site I used to chat on died and we didnt know until about 3 months later after a whole load of crowd research. We all talked about it and decided to all get something in place. I dont know who else keeps theirs up to date because it's not as difficult finding out about things these days but I have added Crypto stuff in there as well as list of financial matters to be dealt with which are in my will, but this is more my 'digital will'.
Very worthwhile exercise. Even people you aren't particularly friendly with start to worry if you just ghost off a regularly used online platform.
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Awesome points! I am sorry you had to go through that but it is good that it prompted you to out something in place! I hear you about not wanting to give more money to lawyers!