But the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers.(1 Peter 4:7)
Question from the Bible, Is there such a thing as untimely death in the Bible?
Watch the Video below to know the Answer...
(Sorry for sending this comment. We are not looking for our self profit, our intentions is to preach the words of God in any means possible.)
Thank you, our beloved friend.
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Dear @Olaf123!! I really understand the goal you have, spreading what you believe is an important message. But there's some times when you make good things that seems like bad or even in fact they have bad results. This blockchain has so many different points of view and beliefs that is impossible to have an unified reaction to a message. In this case I've seen your efforts resulting in the mocking of the figure of Jesus Christ by people annoyed with your method of spreading the word.
Personally I find it oppresive to see a big comment not related with what I have writen just announcing some big upvotes with great steem power alongside the name of God. It's simply contradictory.
Please, find another way if you really want to spred the beauty of the Word, as I said you are only achieving hate and the mocking of a figure that many of us respect!!
I wanted to say this today, next time I'll be full downvoting this kind of message!