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RE: Dealing with Loss

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago

A powerful story of grief my friend and what it can do to us.
Car accidents and one gun incident took away of most of mine, but the memories always remain.
I feel for the parents and glad that your son decided to take a different road in life.


Wow, @papilloncharity. I’m always amazed at the things people go through, and how strong so many people are after those experiences. I have had my share of losses too, but none so tragic as what you have experienced. Thank goodness you have found some peace with it, or at least you certainly seem to have.

A being of kindness is my only strive in life my friend.
There is not one that has not suffered one or another deep hurt and all that we can do is to love and respect all others.
At least that's how I view life.
When it's my turn to go, I want to go with a clean conscience.
Blessings and thank you!