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RE: Wednesday Walk - Time of the Super Moon and New Feathered Friends

Glad you enjoyed the photos!I live in the Boreal forest in northern Saskatchewan Canada. We are a long way away from spring thaw instead we keep getting more snow! I have started some seeds inside in my sun room where I have an indoor garden under grow lights so I can garden all year long even if we have a very short growing season outside!


I have a FB friend named Jocelyn Bouchard who
lives in Lives in Saint-Tite-Des-Caps, Quebec and he also lives pretty much
Off the grid. I think he mainly uses solar for his electricity?
This is my greenhouse:
There were actually two metal frames with a vinyl 'tent' stretched over then.
I started out with them side-by-side, but I found I didn't need quite
That much space, so I took down one of them and stretched
the plastic over the first one for a double layer.

Those are all house plants, but I've had them
All since 2007. I've used light bulbs and
Candles to keep the temps above 39° at
Night, and now for the last 4 days
The flap has been left open at
Night and day. It is a scary
Time, because tho' we've
Had a very mild winter
(almost no winter)
we have the Easter
Snap to contend

After I replied to your post @porters, I went to your profile and saw you were in Saskatchewan.