positive-mind cross-posted this post in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE 4 years ago

3D printed Xmas decoration

in DIYHub4 years ago

Normally I'm not really into a lot of Xmas decoration. But this year is special. Being on my own for a very long time I decided to change my house decoration and try to make a nice "home feeling".
With all the restrictions I hope to see my family back second part of next year. I'm now here for almost 11 months, and still no light at the end of the tunnel. I'm in strict quarantaine, so no one is allowed to come over, and I only go out for shopping. No eating out, not hanging out with friends, ... nope ... just me, muself and I.
So the last 2 months I had plenty of time to start making Xmas decoration.
My first project was the fridge. I have one big living room annex kitchen, so my fridge is taking up some place and I see it from everywhere. I made some fridge magnets to decorate my fridge.


I do miss the real Xmas tree here. I like the smell, but hey, you can't have everything in the Philippines. And no, those fake ones are too kitschy, not my style. So I printed out 2 little ones and also an angel and a ball to decorate them. In the middle is a little reindeer which has moving legs and head, so you can change the way it sits, stands, ...
Oh and of course a Minion in the background :) This one is Stuart. I really love the Minions and you can find them everywhere in my place.


And last but not least a Nativity scene. I printed this one in white filament. After all the pieces were done, I put a white primer on it. When it was dry I could start to paint it. I'm using acrylic paint and I needed to paint 2 layers for a good result.


All the pieces are printed


Painting the first layer

And this is the final result:


It was a nice project to do and I'm happy with the result. Now I'm ready for the holidays.

Stay safe, embrace the little things in life and keep hope!
Merry Christmas to you all!