Haha Johann. I don’t now what shape I would be in after 5 children but it would have been wonderful to have had at least another child. I do contemplate why I’m still here and my son has passed on.
The thought propels me to be the best I can. I don’t always succeed. LOL
I could write this story another way with Johnny and I eventually falling in love, getting married and living happily ever after with our five well behaved children. 🤔Another scenario could be one of him turning from a caring thoughtful lover into an abusive drunken husband who’s carousing drove me to revenge. This would not end well. 🙄
Have a great weekend and be safe! 😊
Oh, I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about your son, but I think you know how I meant it.
Anything could have been possible - after just one kiss that evening your future might have become completely different, but I think you have made a good choice back then 🙂
Not to worry. I know how you meant it.
I kissed a lot of toads after that night and not many turned into a prince. :)
But a few did turn into a prince, and the best one of them you didn't let go again 😉
Yes, for sure Johann! 😊
Great 🙂