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RE: Weekend engagement week 22 topic: An eye on your hobby

816.. Wow!!! Thinking of the time I TRIED to knit on my period. It did not end well.


Knitting isn't your thing? I've never tried it to be honest, doesn't look like something I'd want to do really...All that string and those big ass needles...I'd either hang myself or stab myself.. Would not end well either way I guess. 🤣

Exactly. Sooo boring... unless you can combine it with sex or surfing, pffft

Sex-knitting...Hmm, now that may have some merit as a hobby. ✅

I didn't know sex could be a hobby! I may have to rethink my potential entry. Who knew?

Well, yes, for many people "Sex" is a hobby 😃

This comment has so many directions it could go. I'm trying to compare bicycling with diarrhea but I've never tried it.. nor have I ever knitted. Never had a period either!
It's probably best I just take your word for it

Just imagine being really f**ing grumpy, and trying to make thread do stuff on needles.

Got it! Clear as day now.

I've got a pretty good imagination, but that's stretching just a little far for me.


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