Excelente trabajo, me gustan todos tus diseños, te sigo en Instagram y creo que la forma en que haces tus diseños y coloreas las sombras con la pluma es espectacular. He intentado hacerlo y no es fácil, además, hay que tener mucha paciencia y buena vista al hacer las sombras. Mis diseños son en 3D también tiene su técnica porque trabajas con el ratón pero el cuerpo humano se va adaptando a los movimientos creo que al final todo es práctico y constante.
Excellent work, I like all your designs, I follow you in Instagram and I think the way you make your designs and color the shadows with pen is spectacular. I tried to do it and it is not easy, besides, you have to have a lot of patience and good eyesight when making the shadows. My designs are in 3D also has its technique because you work with the mouse but the human body is adapting to the movements I think that in the end everything is practical and constant.
Yeah, it is not always easy. One has to practice over time with lots of trials and errors before one gets acquainted with it.
Absolutely! You have to exercise patience and be very careful as you work on it.