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RE: Weekend engagement week 22 topic: An eye on your hobby

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

Responding a little late this weekend.

My hobby is mountain biking. One of the things it fascinates me about it is how close you are to nature and how adventurous can be while doing some sport. I have been practicing for several years, and although it gets harder to climb those mountains as I get older, it is wonderful to spend some time in nature exploring new ways on my bike.
There is an additional hobby I would love to do in the future, it adds an extra element of adventure, that is building my own tiny house on wheels, get my bicycle, and tour around with both of them for a whole year.

Of course, I would need to get help from experts, but I love the idea to spend some months building a place I have designed and then living in it for a several-month adventure!


I expected to see you say biking. But didn't expect the house on wheels thing. That's cool! I know a few who have decked out a bus as a house, pretty amazing job they did too. They travel around from place to place. It's their house. Very cool.

It is as having real freedom. Specially if you have an online job you can do remotely.

Yes, exactly.

Faith and I are planning a year off to travel around Australia...I'm thinking how I may be able to find it maybe with writing which I can do anywhere. We'll see. If hive price was good it work out ok I think. I'd do a travel blog or something, but I think I'd need to augment it with something else.

Freedom...Yeah, that's what I'm seeking...The freedom of choice in life. Someday I hope.

Wow. Like Galen I knew the bike would be the deal, but the tiny house surprised me. I really like the idea of them and would very much like to try that too. Mine would have to have a little garage built in for a motorcycle. Should be easy enough...

It is the idea of building it and then spending a whole year traveling with it that I love.