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RE: Rocket Fuel Coffee Morning Ramble- I am now 2 Years Old on the Block Chain Happy Birthday Me

yup, very true. Hangs head in shame. Lightbulb moment though was heading home to work on my balcony and catch up on bookings and e mails without the distraction of all the guests in the shop. I caught up and saw the icon on my usually visited pages and clicked on it. scrolled, saw the #monomad competition. had another stab at the blockchain and the gears started to grind. Then it was just plugging away and then when i got others here involved it really got interesting. Lets see where we are at at 3 years :)


I'm glad you are back in full force. Very wise move, and better late than never. Also the entire Philippines crew of Hivers are doing a pretty bang up job. The content is a great and valuable addition to the ecosystem.

we are having some fun with it for real. Also its nice to be able to talk about it at the bar at the dive shop without getting "that look" when people really don't get it

That is something I wish I had here.

i think its partially why I stopped for a while and I was super busy at work. Now we bounce off each other. Its pretty cool and we all discover new hings and people