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RE: Reflections: Glorious Day in the High Country!

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago (edited)

So, Koreans and Chinese called the United States a beautiful country.(Chinese characters 美國).
However, the Japanese call the United States a country of rice.(Chinese characters 米國).
In my opinion, the Japanese are hungry and want to eat all the food in the United States, so they call the United States a rice country. hahahaDear @roleerob, America has a really wild and beautiful nature.

Currently, China has severe natural destruction and pollution due to excessive development and population growth. However, I envy the United States because it still has a beautiful and lifelike nature.

I was sure it would be one of Montena, Wyoming and Idaho. New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado may not be due to the large number of deserts.Every time I see a photo posted by @roleerob, I always question. Where is @roleerob's kingdom?

Looking at such fertile and beautiful valleys and lakes, I guess he lives in Montena,or Wyoming.

Looking at American photos, I always think I will find out where @roleerob's kingdom is. So, I always reason and imagine by looking at @roleerob's photos.

Ps: @roleerob, Happy Father's Day. In the United States, there is Father and Mother's Day, but in Korea, there is Parent's Day.


Wow, interesting @silvergrifin007 ...

"... the Japanese call the United States a country of rice."

... as I have no idea where they would come up with that. Rice is grown here, but it is far from a major crop, so ... Hmmm. As I have a lot of history with England, I have always thought of Japan as an east Asian equivalent. Man can admire what both nations have managed to accomplish from their relatively small land masses on a series of islands ...

China, on the other hand, is not a country for which I have any admiration. I do not think we are told the truth here about all that is going on in that country ...

Glad to "hear" you enjoyed this post. Thank you for the well wishes!

P.S. Perhaps a translation issue, but envy is a sin ... So careful, my Korean brother!

... as I have no idea where they would come up with that. Rice is grown here, but it is far from a major crop, so ... Hmmm. As I have a lot of history with England, I have always thought of Japan as an east Asian equivalent. Man can admire what both nations have managed to accomplish from their relatively small land masses on a series of islands ...

The reason Japan called the United States as a rice country means that Japan would eat the United States like rice during the world war 2.Senior @roleerob, Koreans and Chinese are now suspicious and dislike Japan because they were invaded by Japan.

Japan has been resentful of the US's actions to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The Japanese are rejecting Christianity because the Japanese believe that Jesus hates the Japanese.

China, on the other hand, is not a country for which I have any admiration. I do not think we are told the truth here about all that is going on in that country ...

You are right. However, Korea has been intimate with China since 2000 years ago, so it is difficult for Korea to blame China.
The relationship between Korea and China is the same as that of the United States and the United Kingdom.
On the other hand, the relationship between Korea and Japan is the same as that of Britain and France.

P.S. Perhaps a translation issue, but envy is a sin ... So careful, my Korean brother!

Senior, Japan started the Second World War because it envied the wealth and territory of the United States. However, I just envy God's blessing on America! Jesus, please give me a big land like America. Amen. Hahaha

Very good @silvergrifin007 ...

"The relationship between Korea and China is the same as that of the United States and the United Kingdom."

"On the other hand, the relationship between Korea and Japan is the same as that of Britain and France."

... as that concisely explains the differences and puts them in context.

In my long career, I spent 14 years working for an international British firm. Your reply here reminds me of what the International Manager there said to me once:

"We only hate the French. They absolutely despise us!"

While I have long since forgotten the context in which he made this statement, I will never forget it. A great example, I suppose, of British humor ... 🙂

While I have long since forgotten the context in which he made this statement, I will never forget it. A great example, I suppose, of British humor ...

But, Britain had two wars with the United States.Senior @roleerob, I don't know the nuances of what you said. However, one thing is clear: France has never had a war with the United States,

I think the clever @roleerob dislikes the king of England = queen(?) more than the president of France! hahaha

Good night, i am going to sleeping!