Your ambition to live life in this manner, looking at so many things in this way, is always so refreshing.
If I need a little uplifting, I know where to turn. Your positive attitude is contagious. Crossing paths with you has been a pleasure.
Just the other day, @farm-mom asked me this question, "if we were ever to get rich, what would you want to do. Of course, helping out the family was my first response. My next response was a little self-centered, I would buy a tractor. The next thing I mentioned was that I would travel around the world visiting some of the fine people I've met here on #hive. Not for a long stay, just enough time to shake their hand, enjoy a nice meal together, and let them know how much pleasure I've garnered from making their acquaintance.
You never know, one day I might just stop in because you'd be at the top of my list.