Here’s my feeling on wearing a mask during the CV19 pandemic: It’s simple courtesy for my fellow humans. Wear the damn mask in public, it works. And thank you from another traveller on this journey.
It is so good to hear this, rather than grown folks whining like children over masks! 🙄
I clearly remember when those T-birds turned heads in the 1960s! That's a lovely color on that one, and I hope you get a break in the heat wave and can tinker with it soon! 😊
The only catch to reading your blog is now I want fresh bread...! 😋 😁
Well, fresh bread is a pretty easy craving to fill. What can I say?
We talked about trying to fiddle with the bird this morning because it's a safety issue (there are a couple other things that can wait til fall) but it's now ppd indefinitely.
You will get this. It's named Bucky Bird after the Mascot at Wisconsin. Erv displays it with his letter jacket draped over the front seat. He got his first letter in Wrestling in 1965.