

Dreams are electrical brain impulses that pull random thoughts and imagery from our memories while in the subconscious. They can be fun, romantic, sad or worrisome.

Dreams often come true in real life and some say it's just a result of bad memory or a mere coincidence.

Dream is a gateway the subconscious use to connect with the conscious mind.
That explains why we see people in dreams.

Now you can see there's no definite/singular meaning of what a dream is. The above [3] explains it in different dimensions.

Some school of thought argued that dreams are a mirage so they do not come true. I am not disputing any "theories" here. I want you to just think outside the box for a moment. What if they could actually predict what will eventually happen later in the future?.

Dreams are not events that happen daily for most people, some dream once a month, once a year while some dream almost daily.
The ability to remember a dream is a natural, healthy thing. That you don't doesn't mean you are abnormal.

The big question here is when some persons make a good fortune in life after years of hustling, why do they say the "dreams come true" phrase?. Is it that they have dreamt about that moment before or going by the way of the other school of thought, just a mere coincidence or we have a "Kyle Kent" among us.

While you are at it, I want you to take a step down memory lane, what was your last dream about?
Could it be a flashback of the movie you watched before going to bed? Or just some random thoughts, paintings of what you'll like to be in the future? .

You do not need to Share those dreams to me or anyone, I'm just reminding you to keep the good ones alive.

In conclusion, I will share a few tips on how to keep those dreams alive

  • Be consistent, never give up

  • Pray and work towards that better life you dream of

  • Be patient & ready to learn

  • Embrace the low and high moments

  • Keep your head above waters.

  • Build beliefs

  • Stay hungry for more.

Always endeavor you champion every event you partake in with aspirations to become even greater than your dreams.

Image used is courtesy of pixabay.com

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Our dreams only come true when we work towarda it

Post Curated for #lassecash tribe