You should read Dr. Sheldrake's book, if you get a chance. His theory of morphic resonance is analogous to 'microwaves', but applies to thoughts, memories, consciousness, and animal heredity -- the theory is an attempt to explain phenomena that don't fit the theories of modern science.
That's not to say that his theories are correct. They are simply the only ones I've heard of that actually attempt to explain the 'inexplicable'. So, in that sense, he is much closer to 'true science' than 99.999% of today's 'scientists'.
Hence the title of his book, Science Set Free. When scientists embrace the seemingly inexplicable with true curiosity, science will be set free from historic dogmas and true discovery will again be possible.
Dr. Sheldrake kinda hints at this in the book, but my personal perspective is that science today is mostly driven by an atheist worldview whereas the science 'of old' was largely driven by a yearning to discover God's hidden truths -- i.e. many of the scientists 'of old' were theists who were actively seeking to understand the world God created, and were thus open to all possibilities (and believed that a humble search would be rewarded by revelations from God). By contrast, many (most, perhaps) scientists today are atheists who dismiss out-of-hand anything that might challenge the materialist worldview -- because doing so might leave open the possibility that a supernatural God is at least plausible -- or simply an arrogant belief that we have the power and intellect within ourselves to discover and understand all there is to know.