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RE: Handsome Emu.

Lovely to meet you. Thanks so much for visiting and taking the time to share such interesting information about your background.Hello @chocolatescorpi

I think you made the right judgement call where the Emu and the Camel were concerned. I'm sure you must have enjoyed your time in the Daintree Rainforest. We are so blessed with the wonderful flora and fauna in this country aren't we?


Hi there Trudy, thanks for your reply.
Yes we are sooo lucky to be in such a large country with such a diverse array of flora and fauna- though really everyone around the world is just as blessed to have such magnificent animals roaming around their countries!
Such a shame that so many people not only take them for granted, but exploit them so!
You have taken a great shot of an animal- a bird that is rarely given such appreciation and put it in the limelight for every one to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of and learn from so good on you!

Here is a still of a male Cassowary and bub taken from some video footage I was so incredibly lucky to have shot in the Daintree last time I was up there visiting my old home....
I need to find a name for them. What do you think?

Yes we are very fortunate to live in this country with natures abundant blessings. Thank you for sharing this fabulous photo of the Cassowarys. They are amazing birds aren't they. I'm a bit stumped for names for them at the moment but I am assuming by now you have come up with some yourself.

Hi there Trudy, nice to hear from you on a Friday night n all.

No I haven't had a chance to find names for them, however I do know that there have a been a few lately, including a family of Cassowaries just a couple of days ago that were run over by idiots in cars....😡

They were a protected species until just a few years ago when the QLD govt decided that they weren't....Same govt that decided to let Adani dig up the Great Barrier Reef, so.....
Anyhoooo, yes...It's Friday night, let's not get into that minefield right now...

But yes, great to hear from you.
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend where ever you are and whatever you do.😀