It really was fun, and it definitely all tasted better when we began to flavour it.
My kitchen is definitely overflowing with appliances, too! I'm beginning to feel like a hoarder; just the other day when putting some groceries away I had found an appliance - a small individual pie maker - that I had tucked away and completely forgotten about. I will keep the most commonly used ones on the countertop; the others obviously get squirreled away until I remember I need them. It's embarrasing, really.
So you are guilty too, huh? I prefer us to be described as a "packrats" versus "hoarders."
Truth be told there have been more than one occasions when I've been saved by having backups of appliances and other hidden gems tucked away in a moment of crisis. I'm sure you can relate! @wwwiebe
Nina, thank you for reminding me of this word, I am so in love with it. well, I love both, but 'hoarder' I always use sarcastically (even if sarcasm is not seen), but the "packrat" is another deal, hehe. so true! I will use it proudly... I just have not to forget about it, hehe
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