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RE: Transforming a mannequin

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE • 5 years ago (edited)

Painting it black really was a great idea! I didn't really think about how long it's neck was until the pic where it's head is turned to the side 😅 I like the brushstroke painting style you tend to have in many of your projects, plus the colorful squiggly lines (which this one doesn't exaaactly have but the colored epoxy on the eyes is like a good substitute).


To be fair, the head wasn't arranged properly in that pic... but yes it's still long. I don't know why, probably shorter necks would look weird? Hahaha. Thanks! I tried to make that squiggly lines here (kinda) LOL but the partner of this one has a lot of those weird lines - which I will show soon. Just thinking of how to present it :D Thanks xves or kris or however you wanna be called :D