"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." – Henry Ford
Hive is not simply a blockchain - it is a decision, a mindset and a like minded community that shares in the growth of such.
These are my five...
(What Hive offers you as an individual)
I'm going to be more practical and honest writing this part of 'WHAT' Hive offers me as an individual. Well, for one, and the most logical thing would be that it is my secondary income. I wouldn't be doing Hive and spending most of my after work hours building a community or writing a blog post if it didn't benefit me. That's just me. I know some are here for the community but to be honest, it is the money that attracted me first, then I stayed for the community.
(How Hive is different to other social media and blogging platforms)
I think Hive is very unique in this sense is that anyone and everyone can be part of, and I don't mean just getting involved in the communities but I'm talking about owning part of the blockchain. As long as you have stake on this platform, it is yours. It is decentralized in that sense. Whatever you write on the blockchain is 100% yours compared to it being imprinted on someone else's company's website and them getting profit from all your data and traffic. If you talk about the people on Hive, it is impressive to see how many genuine and engaging people you'll meet here. From the really asshole ones to the really awesome ones, you have them all, but hey! That's decentralization for you.
(People & spaces you find Hive support and gain enthusiasm from)
I think the people I cherish the most is my fambam, #powerhousecreatives community. This community has always been so lively and oozing with passion for the blockchain. To create real content, to make real friends and to support one another. Honestly, I haven't been all the time there for them these days because I have been shifting my focus to building Hive as a whole. I spent most of my time now promoting Hive to other crypto spaces out there. But whenever I need to realign and come back, I know this family will always be there with welcoming arms.
(The front ends / dapps of your choice and why)
I LOVE everything that @peakd & @dapplr is doing. They've created a frontend site and mobile site that is top notch competitive amongst the other social media apps u find these days. the user experience can always be improved but it is there and friendly enough for an average joe to jump on board Hive.
(My final thoughts & conclusion)
I've learned a lot of life lessons being on Hive. From starting a few new ventures, to building communities and to making new friends. There is never a day I regret being on Hive and I would've done it all over again. The Hive community is definitely one of a kind, something that I would remember for the rest of my life.
(Tag 5 people to join in on the fun!)
@elizacheng @danielwong @bitrocker2020 @arcange @ireenchew @scrooger
1)Create your own selfie with the tag #THRIVEONHIVE - similar to the headers you have seen.
2)Copy the same post format and insert your OWN feedback and insight under the relevant headings.
3)Tag 5 people to join in!
4)If you are on Twitter... share your post using the tags #thriveonhive #powerhousecreatives #hiveisalive #hive
Use the following tags on your post: thriveonhive, powerhousecreatives, hive (additional tags up to you)

offering our subscribers a read worthy feed.
Thank you for your support. We will be working for a new payout scheme for you soon. Keep your chins up and stay tune!
This is awesome.
Will try to create my own #thriveonhive too
10 points for honesty @zord189! Not many are honest enough to admit that! Kudos!
WAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That sounds like something I would say, lol!!!! You been spending too much time with me eh?! Which one am I??? Oh, that's right, I am a Gemini! :P !tip
discord that encompasses ALL content genres but isn't just a massive sea of spammers and plagiarists... then come and join us in the Power House Creatives ServerIf you are looking to join a great interactive & supportive #HIVE community on
Lizzies Snippets No. 6 - A Weekly Gardening Blog Dedicated To The Memory Of My Mom...@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @zord189! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!