Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Pick your photo
This week's results will be without thumbnail. My apologies because for some reason, peakd or Hiveblog isn't showing images
There will be 5 photos to select from. Pick one that inspires you and write about it. it can be in a form of writing, poem, drawing, painting, etc... As you already know, Powerhousecreatives are always open to thinking and going out of the box. Here are the photo prompts :

Photo by Tiard Schulz on Unsplash

Photo by Nils Leonhardt on Unsplash

Photo by Daniel Bernard on Unsplash

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

Photo by Sara Cervera on Unsplash
PS : This contest is created only for the members of #powerhousecreatives. You can join us here :
Discord Server : https://discord.gg/TarXnxn
Subscribe to us : https://peakd.com/c/hive-114105/created
Photo Prompts
Criteria :
Select only ONE Photo prompt above and included into the post.
Add a nice title to your entry. (Extra points for nice titles)
You may use images/illustrations to better tell your story.
You can use any medium for your entry (drawing, poem, song story, writing, etc)
You need to credit the photos used.
Submission :
Your Entries(Hive Post)are to be posted here in the 'community-contest' Channel.
One entry is allowed per participant.
This contest must be done as a Hive Post.
Post title must include 'PowerHouseCreatives Contest' but with your own title.
You must do a new post into our community 'PowerHouseCreatives/hive-114105'.
Rewards :
There will be Top 3 Favourites (1 HIVE Each)
Deadline :
Sunday Night, 12/04/2020, 5.59PM (Cape Town) - Contest Ended
Top Favourite Picks (1 HIVE Each)
Holy Wednesday by @zeleiracordero
If I walk through that door of light, I'll see a face that I miss and that I mislaid one of these afternoons through that portal. She's coming to meet me, whistling to me, whispering, with his bright eyes, tells me about a fractal land site where meditates the time without moving.
The Secret Seal
by @jayna
by @jayna
“Let us all be brave enough to die the death of a martyr, but let no one lust for martyrdom.” -Mahatma GhandiLaura and her brother Josh watched as their mother paced the kitchen, smoking a cigarette in small, inelegant puffs. They had seen this before and it never ended well.
“Our secrets aren’t safe,” she said, glancing at them. “We’ve got to move.”
Laura began to cry. “No mom. We can’t move again. Please. I just got settled into my school. For once, I even have a friend!”
Her mother shook her head. “We’ll be found out. It’s only a matter of time. The police keep coming around. They’ve been patrolling the neighborhood. Knocking on doors. Asking questions.”
Josh stood up and began to pace. “I’ll go. I’ll leave. I’ll take the papers with me and travel by night. If I can just get across the border, I can’t get them into the right hands.”
Pursuit of Dreams by @justclickindiva
Piled high almost tipping the cart were numerous unwanted items she'd collected that brought to mind images of an old saying in my country:
"One person's trash is another person's treasure."
I've found this saying to be true throughout my life. As I studied the photograph of the woman pushing the cart, several questions raced through my mind. Upon deciding to participate in this week's contest, the photograph I chose from @zord's selection was one of a woman pushing her cart in the street.
Lost by @free-reign
She was cold, hungry, and lost in the woods. She’d been with a group on a nature hike, when something had caught her eye. After trying to get a better look, she suddenly realized that the others had kept going, and now she was alone. She had no idea of which way she should go to try and catch up with the group.Darkness was already setting in when she heard what she thought was the sound of a big truck, and started walking in the direction from which the sound was coming, moving slowly so she didn’t fall off a cliff or something. Before she got very far however, she heard the sound no longer.
Honorable Mentions (0.5 HIVE)
You call it dirty job ! Yet, we do it to keep you clean by @deepu7
There is a reason behind to select this picture to tell about something. In the picture, I see someone is pushing a garbage three/four wheeler. I can’t even see the person’s face clearly. Although it doesn’t make any difference to perform their job. They don’t bother whether we see them or not, they perform their job religiously.I have intentionally used the word ‘religiously’ here. Because, really they do the work religiously. Rain, storm and other natural disasters can’t stop them going to work. They are the persons who make the city clean for us. They wake up early in the morning before the sun rises and start cleaning all the garbage thrown by us. When we step out from home for our office, we find a clean road.
Xin Chao.. I need my old life back by @ireenchew
Xin Chao Em Oi... That's the Vietnamese language of saying Good Day; A greeting I wish to all my customers each time I push my cart down the streets From Hai Ba Trung towards Ly Tu Tong and then towards Nguyen Hue My cart will always be full, from top to bottom, left to right Slowly and carefully, I will maneuver my small cart on the side of the main road Where all vehicles drive pass me with haste especially the motorcyclist They avoid me as they turn left and right Never once did I worry that I will get hit After all drivers in Vietnam are the best; very rare we have accidents They can drive through a busy street without the help of any traffic lights.
Fire: A Blessing And A Curse by @redheadpei
No one is sure how mankind first learned about fire. I’m sure early man experienced lightning hitting a tree and catching fire. There’s stories in mythology of the Greek god Prometheus bringIng fire to earth people. It is said he felt sorry for humans and stole fire from Mount Olympus and gave it to mankind.
Photo Prompts- Stressful load
by @antoniarhuiz
by @antoniarhuiz
Annmarie is a devoted mother, always struggling to get by with her four children. Every day, very early in the morning, she goes out into the field with her hat to collect the harvest and then sells her produce at the market.The children have grown up. The eldest got married and never heard from him again, nor does he know his grandchildren. The second live separately with his family and the other two continue to live with her and their respective families. The younger one's wife died recently and she was left with two small children, whom she cares for with love and patience. However, she continues to work with the same diligence and zeal but feels a little tired due to the constant struggle for life. She is old enough for those jogs.
Fly With Your Imagination by @mballesteros
Well, I've always liked the color green, for me it represents Mother Nature and everything that Mother Nature represents gives me a feeling of freedom. In these days of survival that humanity is going through and that forces us to be locked up in our homes to protect us from the enemy that lurks outside, I think the only thing that makes us free is our imagination.
Photo Prompts: The pleasure of eating by @oneray
Eating is one of the few things that give my life meaning. I have only been able to compare its influence on me with traveling and discovering new destinations, but also in this, food is present in many forms and flavors. I remember when I was a child; My mother got up before at dawn to prepare the food that my father would take to his work. He worked at an oil company on Lake Maracaibo as a supervisor at a flow station. I remember those moments as if it were yesterday; A smell that permeated the entire house from 5 am, made me get up for breakfast. I went to the kitchen and sat directly at the table where she prepared everything, without saying a word.
Desperation in the face of fire by @carolinacardoza
It's a strange night, the moon is brighter than ever, and the silence is so scary that it scares me. If only the fireflies and crickets would make their usual noise.Today everything is conspiring to make my nerves grow much bigger. I think everyone sees me on this desolate, cold, quiet street.
I'm going to light a fire! Maybe that will calm me down a bit, while I wait! My body is cold, it trembles, but I don't know if it's more because of the cold or because of the fear I have inside.
Beautiful Memories by @gingbabida
I know that the lockdown was imposed for the safety of everyone, to flatten the curb of the virus' spread, and that staying home is the only way I can be of help to the government and medical frontliners. But that fact does not hinder me to long for the old times, and to wish that everything would be back to normal (or even just a bit of normalcy, if "normal" life is impossible to attain).
Heroes don't wear capes
by @shaheerbari
by @shaheerbari
The reason I chose this particular image is because of the ongoing crisis, I’ll try to be positive amongst all the negativity but we as a community must think about these hard-working men and women. They do the labor work all day and get paid pennies for the tasks they accomplish. This post is a shoutout to each and every individual around the world who works on the street as a garbage picker, cleaner or even construction workers you are the heroes we don’t deserve.
Daily activities by @team-agfacademy
From the picture above we can see that depicts a woman who continues to work looking for used goods that she uses to sell. The items he was looking for such as drink bottles, cardboard boxes and other items so he could sell them. I feel sad to see the picture because it reminded of my mother, if my mother were in a position certainly felt sad. But what can I do if it has become our daily activities to make a living.
Thank You
I love your constant support and participation from all of you for this weekly contest. Please do drop by and give all these amazing entries some nice loving and engage with these amazing authors. Even better, give them a follow if you're all about the quality content on Hive.
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If you want to be part of this awesome community, PowerHouseCreatives is always interested to meet people with amazing personalities and great content creators. If you want to know how to join us? Head on over to @jaynie, our PowerHouseCreatives founder profile and be on the lookout for an invitation link post.
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Congrats to @zeleiracordero!
Congrats also, to the other winners and honorable mentions; great writing everyone!
Much thanks to @zord189 for hosting the contest!
I appreciate your deference, dear friend. I appreciate and respect you equally.
Thank you so much @zord189 for selecting my content among one of the winners. I appreciate the consideration and support.
Congratulations to all the other winners, runner-ups and participants in this great contest for the week. The images selected for us to choose were, indeed, thought provoking and inspirational.
I appreciate all you do, @zord189 in bringing these weekly contests to the PHC Community. Please stay healthy and safe during this health crisis.
Congratulations, @justclickindiva! Also, stay healthy and blessed during this difficult crisis.
This was a great contest to write up on congratulations to the winners and thank you for the mention as well.
Hi, friend @zord189
Congratulations to all winners. Specialty @justclickindiva
Is an interesting contest
Yes, each week @zord 189 holds a contest for PHC members. Thanks @librepensadora for your support.
Congratulations to the authors for all the great entries. Thanks for honorable mention. I’m happy to be included. 😊 ❤️
Congratulations to all selected. It was a pleasure to participate. Thanks Zord! 👍
Woohoo, see you Zord!Congrats to the other winners and honorable mentions. This was other great issue. There are not enough words to thank @Zord189 for the weekly opportunity it gives us...
Great initiative. Thanks for coming up with it
Congrats all!
The results! How wonderful! Thank you very much, @zord189!
Congrats to @zeleiracordero. I had not read your entry yet, so this gave me the opportunity. Beautiful work! Congrats to all winners and honorable mentions!
Muchas felicidades a los ganadores de esta ronda, todos son muy buenos escritores y no se detienen ante ningun reto.
Wow !! So many participants...
This is getting harder to be the top 3 😆
Congrats to all and to you too @zord189 for being there for all of us
Congrats to @zeleiracordero, @justclickindiva, @deepu7. Congrats all! A great contribution to this contest that takes place @zord189, Great initiative.