Rice planting "direct seedling, how it is done and what we need?"

in Homesteading7 months ago (edited)


Rice planting can be done in two distinct ways the first system is to plant it directly into the farm using hoe to plant the seeds into an already prepared field and the other system is to plant on a small at first then transplant it into the farm, the first planting which is done on a temporal farms is done by sprinkling the seeds on a small piece of land spacing isn't important because the seedlings will be there only for a few weeks before transplanting is done . Some coverings have to be provided for the seeds in during the first week to protect it from birds and rodents.


I am not going to talk much on the later part because that's not what this post is all about in my subsequent post I will delve more on this but for now I am going to focus on direct planting because of how pivotal it also is when planting rice , there are certain things needs to be on ground to be able to plant in this way the first is the land has to be ready clearing, preparing the water channels and spraying herbicides that are strong to deal with stubborn weeds that won't give easily since weeding would not be easy in the first weeks of germination neither can herbicides be used because of the germinating seedlings.



We need good seeds that will germinate without any hitch, planting rice isn't easy so it is better to plant the best seeds so it will germinate once farmers can get that from any popular agric stores . Then another important factor is the nature of the land at that point if the land is swampy then we can result to transplanting instead of just planting or we can hang on a little and observe if the water level will dry up a little as long as we have the time to spear but if we can't wait then we have to transplant then.

Lastly come with your hoe and enjoy the planting exercise 🙂.

Thank you for viewing my blog.


To plant rice, I follow two methods from the nursery to the secondary. This two methods usually help the planted rice to have much of nutrients from the soil. Such will help the rice stem to produce much rice seeds for harvesting.