Do you mean that in Portugal people living in cities are from 20 to 60? or that those are the ages when people wake up and realize what is f*%#ing good for them?
I am really lucky to have grown up in a relatively rural setting. We still had plenty of neighbors but most people had small farms or at least a garden or orchard of some kind. It is sad to me that so many kids grow up without getting to see where the food comes from or have a connection with nature. when I was 18 I moved to a small city but, it didn't really suit me so, here I am! and so happy for the change!
There are many foreigners coming to Portugal, mainly from Europe but from the rest of the world too.
coming here to look for a more natural settings and a simpler slower life. they range in ages from 20 and up. there are many of 60 + who come to retire on a little rural farm.
me too, grew up in a small village, running outdoors until night fall bare feet, dirty and careless, surrounded with corn, sunflower fields and orange orchards.
the connection to nature was burned into my being.
I also lived in some big cities (Buenos Aires to name one 😂 ) but was never at peace away from nature.
now, I couldn´t even live in a village.
Oh I understand. I am a foreigner myself here in Argentina but as a 32 year old who arrived here at 26 I am actually much younger than most people, nearly everyone who moves here is retirement age ... which is fine but I do miss being around people my age, that is the only thing that I miss about city life.
and wow that is amazing that you lived in Buenos Aires, it is quite an intense place! How did you find yourself there?
haha, we seem to all be foreigners now a days.
I have been one for over half my life.
for many years I travelled and worked on boats and saw a vast part of our continents and seas.
I never meant to end up in B.A., only wanted to feel Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, but I guess it was inevitable.
didn´t mean to stay there either but found a big love ❤️
ended up there for over 3 years then about the same in Mendoza. life just happened..