Hello, everyone.
It's a delight to write, again.
In my last post here, I mentioned that myself and my mum had cleared the weeds off our little garden. Well, we ended up taking off every plant in the garden. It's the dry season, and the leaves are all dry and have been eaten by pests a lot. They no longer had a healthy, juicy look, so we took them all out first. So we thought to clear everything single thing off and start afresh. That way, we were left with just soil. Then we proceeded to water the land and let it stay so for a while.
Today, we decided the land was good enough to resume planting on. My mum, who is well knowledgeable about this stuff, suggested we planted waterleaf. However, with the dry weather and harmattan, the land had become all hard and difficult to plunge into, though.
So, we took a shovel, and on the part where we designated to plant on, we lashed into the soil and turned it over, thereby getting into its softness.
Once we had dug into the depth we wanted and we were done with that, we took the stalk of the plant(waterleaf) and put them into the soil one after the other. We made sure to give some space between each stalk so they could grow well without interferences.
You know, I had no idea until today that this was how the water leaf was planted. I always used to think that it grew on its own(maybe in a magical sort of way....that's a joke, you know). I mean, i always assumed that it was a weed that coincidentally, served as food. I never assumed neither did it cross my mind that it could be planted. We learn every day, isn't that so? Yeah!
It was a simple procedure. The hard part was turning the very stiff soil over. The rest, the planting, was all easy-peasy and took minutes. The soil on which we planted is very fertile. I mean, we've grown tomato, pepper, garden egg, vegetables, and other things on it.
Because it's the dry season and there's no rain yet, the only hindrances to proper growth would be due to lack of water to aid it and to help it withstand the harshness of sunlight and dryness of the ground. But that's no problem as we would be watering it daily until the rains come.
I can't wait for it to begin to grow and bear those juicy, beautiful leaves. Until then, I'll keep you updated about this plant and every other agricultural activity that i engage in.
Thanks for gracing this post.